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If one or two can do something of a fisherwoman, six hundred and seventy three produce... Art is something more than the fashion to paint anything en plein air... Bastien himself thinks so . As to the brother's portrait it is not finished, we wait the return from the country of Miss F... Now, my grand tableau is a secret, of course.

In his so-called great works, the long novels where questions of the day are fearlessly treated yet never solved, the works which are frequently considered his surest claim to immortality, we have an entirely different Daudet, excellent of course, and strong too if you like, but not the Daudet that nature had intended to produce.

No attempt was made to produce false antique ballads until the true antiques had again risen in public esteem. H. B. WHEATLEY, Introduction

La France a été la terre de prédilection de cette littérature du plaisir et du passe-temps. La France, ou, selon l'expression du Tasse, qui venait de visiter la Touraine: ... La terra dolce e ieve Simile a se gli habitator produce! «La France un sol léger et superficiel produit des habitants du même caractère que son sol

Before him lay three bulbs which he was sure would produce the long-sought black tulip. Les admirables caïeux!... Et Cornélius se délectait dans sa contemplation, et Cornélius s'absorbait dans les plus doux rêves. Soudain la sonnette de son cabinet fut plus vivement ébranlée que d'habitude. Cornélius tressaillit, étendit la main sur ses caïeux et se retourna.

26 6 langue du cru: 'local dialect, 'vernacular' Cru means 'growth, 'that which grows in a certain district', croître = 'grow' Vin du cru ='local wine', donner une oeuvre de son cru = 'to produce a work of one's own imagination', cf.dame du cru 60 29, jurons du cru 65 4. 26 9 devait: cf. note to 18 2. 26 10 on le chargeait toujours: cf. 11 12.