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This union was an important event in the life of Mme. de La Fayette, for it marks the beginning of her residence at Paris, and of her friendship with Mme. de Sévigné, who was a kinswoman of the Chevalier.

The rural and domestic Life of Germany with characteristic sketches of its cities and scenery, collected in a general tour, and during a residence in the country in the years 1840, 1841 and 1842. La vie rurale et privée de l'Allemagne, suivie d'esquisses caractéristiques de ses villes et de ses paysages, etc., par WILLIAM HOWITT; in-8.

The Scenery of Scotland, viewed in connection with its Physical Geology by ARCHIBALD GEIKIE. London, Macmillan and Co, 1887. Nouvelle Géographie Universelle par

If we are gifted with even a small portion of the imagination possessed by Tartarin and his fellow-townsmen, we can understand how a turnip may after a while come really to be a baobab; if we have not sufficient imagination to admit this possibility, we shall not be able to appreciate the story of the life and adventures of Tartarin de Tarascon.

These gentlemen have met with very little countenance here, and bis Majesty, from your representation of their character, as well as some other reports which have come to my knowledge of their sentiments, has chosen, rather to receive the Petition they were charged with thro' my hands, than that it should be presented to him by them.

79 20 Par exemple: 'as luck would have it'; cf. note to 11 24. 79 23 tête de bédouin: 'Bedouin-like head'; cf. note to 1 5. 79 27 Toujours la folie orientale! 'his craze about things oriental was still with him! 79 30 tout en haut = tout

Voici donc comment s'exprime M. Cobden: «Let me thank you for introducing to us Mr. Fonteyraud, who excited our admiration not only by his superior talents, but by the warmth of his zeal in the cause of free-trade. I have rarely met with a young man of his age possessing so much knowledge and so mature a judgement both as respects men and things.

The terrible malady has already seized the younger man, but he still radiates life and cheer: his lightness of heart dispels the gravity of the company; little by little his animation is communicated to them all, and the attic resounds with peals of laughter. It was always so.

Burns the Ploughman-Poet, a Memorial Tribute by WILLIAM BALLINGAL. Peckham, S. E., n. d. Burns in Drama, together with saved Leaves, edited by JAMES HUTCHISON STIRLING. Edinburgh, Edmonston and Co, 1878. The Loves of Burns, by G. D. MAC KELLAR. Glasgow, A. F. Sharp and Co, n. d. Lives of Famous Poets by WILLIAM MICHAEL ROSSETTI. London, E. Moxon, Son and Co, 1878.

Despite the protest of the author, contemporaries found originals for a number of the characters of this novel. The duc de Mora is Morny, and several others have been identified with greater or less certainty. Félicia Ruys is perhaps Sarah Bernhardt.