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C'est juste! c'est juste! Ah! si mon cher enfant qui était en Amérique vivait, il aurait pu y avoir de l'argent. Vous l'aimiez comme votre fils, John, n'est-ce pas! Vous n'avez pas besoin de le dire; je le sais parfaitement. Caleb Plummer. With Care. Oui, oui, tout va bien. C'est une caisse d'yeux de poupées pour les ouvrages de ma fille. Plut

Edinburgh, Printed for John Bell and William Creech, 1785. The Works of HENRY MACKENZIE, with a Critical Dissertation on the Tales of the Author, by John Galt. Edinburgh, Oliver and Boyd, 1824. Zeluco. Various Views of Human Nature taken from Life and Manners. The second edition, 2 vols. Dublin, Printed for Messrs L. White, etc., 1789. C'est l'ouvrage du Dr MOORE, le correspondant de Burns.

Not as a foe, but friend, converse with Death, Since to the port of happiness unknown He brought that treasure which you call your own.

L'orchestre préluda enfin par la «Marche des Joyeux Garçons de Southwark», et toute la salle reprit en choeur le refrain: With his nancy on his knee, And his arm around her waist... Une gaieté folle s'était emparée de la salle entière, et les spectateurs hurlaient avec une telle force que l'on n'entendait plus la musique dans laquelle cependant dominaient les instruments de cuivre.

He was left in the city with a brigade of 5.000 men. He moved 3.000 of these suddenly outside the city, and then as suddenly became alarmed for the safety of the remainder amongst so large a hostile population. He therefore marched the 3.000 camped outside hastily back again.

Great lion-hunters pull the kid's foot with a string. 4. Nothing came all the same. 5. Not being afraid, Tartarin cried louder. 6. Something black stooped in front of him. 7. That is surely a lion! 8. Suddenly Tartarin became silent. 9. Nothing answered the shot. 10. He was afraid and made a leap backward.

BENVOLIO. Viens, il se sera enfoncé sous ces arbres pour l'amour de la nuit; ils sont faits l'un pour l'autre : son amour est aveugle; les ténèbres seules lui conviennent. [Note 33: To be consorted with the humorous night, humorous veut dire ici d'une humeur assortie

Hitherto, less fortunate in France than in Germany, I have only been known to French readers not thoroughly acquainted with the English language, through occasional, fragmentary and unauthorized translations over which I have had no control, and from which I have derived no advantage. The present translation of my writings was proposed to me by Messrs. L. Hachette and Co. and Ch.

[Note 1: Two birds with one stone, proverbe anglais qui correspond

Sent to France, with admiral Collingwood's permission.