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2 24 vous donner la chair de poule: 'make your flesh creep' With the French chair de poule 'hen flesh' cf. Engl. "goose flesh". 236 yataganerie. the yatagan, 'yataghan, is the saber of the Turks and the Arabs, from this word Daudet coined yataganerie on the analogy of épicerie, papeterie, etc, transl. 'paraphernalia of war'. 228 bonhomme a noun used adjectively, transl. 'kindly'.

... Je crois que l'existence deviendrait plus aisément coulable et qu'on pourrait parfois, comme disent les Anglais, take a smile with life, si on s'attachait

With a telescope he watched the garden and the glass-covered drying-room where van Baerle kept his bulbs and records. Van Baerle, absorbed in his work, was utterly ignorant of the hatred of his envious neighbor.

William of Orange mounted his horse, and, followed by his officer, rode off at full speed toward his camp, in order to be with his troops when the news should arrive of the death of the de Witts. The murder of these men had greatly strengthened his position as Stadtholder.

His thoroughly human and sympathetic nature made him a favorite with all who knew him, especially with the laboring classes, with whom he loved to associate. It is to this circumstance that we owe "Les Confessions d'un Ouvrier."

I abstain from enquiring into the causes which have led to the great change of sentiment in France respecting these treaties, which up to a recent period the French government had united with that of Her Majesty in pressing on the adoption of other nations.

Will you kindly interpret a French gentleman who does not speak a word of English? Certainly, Sir, with pleasure.

Made to engage all hearts, and charm all eyes; Though meek, magnanimous; though witty, wise; Polite, as all her life in courts had been; Yet good, as she the world had never seen; The noble fire of an exalted mind, With gentle female tenderness combin'd; Her speech was the melodious Voice of Love, Her song, the warbling of the vernal grove; Her eloquence was sweeter than her song, Soft as her heart, and as her reason strong; Her form each beauty of her mind express'd, Her mind was Virtue by the Graces dress'd.

Apart from M. de La Rochefoucauld, La Fontaine was the only one of the many great men of her time with whom Mme. de La Fayette was on terms of friendship. Boileau has left his opinion of our author in a pithy sentence. "Mme. de La Fayette," said he, "est la femme qui écrit le mieux et qui a le plus d'esprit." But this is all.

61 15 confitures au musc: 'preserves perfumed with musk. 61 19 se faisait des mines: 'made grimaces to herself. 61 23 avait tout le temps de: 'had plenty of time to. 62 2 la ville européenne: the part of the city inhabited by Europeans, as distinguished from la ville haute 37 27, the Moorish quarter. 62 9 on ne peut plus satisfait: 'perfectly satisfied', lit. 62 14 Circe.