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4 9-10 le moindre: 'the least' le plus petit: 'the smallest'. 4 14 Rhône 'Rhone, the great river of southeastern France, in the heart of Provence diablement: 'deucedly' Diable and Dieu are used very freely in French. 4 16 du poil et de la plume 'of fur and feathers' est très mal note 'has a black mark against its name', noter= 'to note, 'to mark, 'to make a note of'.

I told him what they were doing. 5. Some Tarasconians used to assemble and eat big pieces of beef. 6. Take some if you find any. 8. Will you tell me what each one had at the end of his gun? 10. Throw it with all your might.

68 27 gré: a noun, 'liking, used almost exclusively in prepositional phrases (de bon gré 'willingly,

28 24 vinaigre des quatre-voleurs: 'thieves' vinegar, a kind of aromatic vinegar, formerly used as a disinfectant. The name is derived from the fact that this concoction was popularly supposed to have rendered immune from contagion certain thieves who were pillaging the city of Toulouse during a severe plague .

30 14 en toile blanche: en is used to denote the material of which a thing is made. De also may be used: une table d'acajou, but we find des commodes en acajou 82 7; cf. un sac de cuir 51 4, une serviette en cuir 71 14. 30 17 d'une longueur: for the suppression cf. note to 15 21. 30 22 venaient l

45 13 que le lion l'entendît: colloquial omission of ne, which is regularly used with verbs of fearing, avoiding, etc, eg j'ai peur qu'il ne vienne 'I fear that he may come. 45 15 de plus belle: cf. note to 8 18. 45 19 Cela se baissait ... s'arrêtait net: an admirable description 45 21 a n'en pas douter: 'no doubt of it! cf. note to 2 2. 45 24 En joue! feu! 45 29 Il en a!

42 14 il se fit servir: cf. note to 7 25. grande ouverte: 'wide open'; cf. 51 7. 42 15 Crescia: a wine-producing district near Algiers. 42 21 déjeuner: verb. 42 22 fréter: 'to charter, a nautical term used here mock-heroically. Cf. note to 49 7. route de Mustapha: 'Mustapha road', cf. note to 1 5. Mustapha is a suburb of Algiers, on the sea.

28 18 toute une cargaison: 'a whole cargo', cf.33 2-3. 28 19 pemmican: 'pemmican', dried meat, pulverized or shredded, and mixed with melted fat, for Arctic rather than tropical use. 28 20 tente-abri: a light, easily-handled tent, used particularly by troops in the field. Abri, masculine, = 'shelter. 28 21

Charles V. selected this palace as his residence in 1347, and it served as the abode of the royal family till the reign of Louis XIV., who preferred Versailles. Since the days of the Empire it has been used as a museum.

2 24 vous donner la chair de poule: 'make your flesh creep' With the French chair de poule 'hen flesh' cf. Engl. "goose flesh". 236 yataganerie. the yatagan, 'yataghan, is the saber of the Turks and the Arabs, from this word Daudet coined yataganerie on the analogy of épicerie, papeterie, etc, transl. 'paraphernalia of war'. 228 bonhomme a noun used adjectively, transl. 'kindly'.