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7 28 Pour moi: 'as for me, 'as far as I am concerned' quand je vivrais cent ans: 'even if I should live for a hundred years', note this meaning of quand with the conditional. 7 29 s'approchant du: note de used with s'approcher, se rapprocher, 20 25. 7 33 A peine avait-il: cf. note to 5 32.

This error is common in the speech of the uneducated classes. n'me: the e of ne is omitted as in conversational French. Se is used as a reciprocal pronoun several times in this paragraph. 7 4 depuis ... chantent 'in all the time that they have been singing them to one another. Chantent is present tense with depuis. 7 5 en changer: cf. note to 1 3. 7 6 n'y touche: cf. note to 2 29.

70 10 lentisques: 'mastic trees, small trees growing in the Mediterranean countries, producing a resin which is used in the manufacture of paints. 70 14 champoreau: a warm drink, coffee with a copious admixture of brandy, popular among the Europeans in Africa. 70 21 une cour de caravansérail: cf. note to 1 5. A caravansary is a building for the lodging of caravans.

5 29 il partait: 'he used to set out. 5 32 Aussi: aussi at the beginning of a sentence or phrase is usually to be rendered 'and so, 'therefore. With this aussi (as with some other adverbs) the word-order is verb pronoun; hence reconnaissent-ils. Cf. 24 12, 41 20;

93 6 dromadaire: the word is here used correctly according to the Academy's dictionary, which makes dromadaire a name of the one humped species of camel. According to more exact usage a dromedary is a high bred camel for special speed, usually of the one humped species but not necessarily so, in this sense Tartarin's beast can hardly claim the name. 93 7 que devenir: lit. 'what to become', transl.

12 28 eut la chance: 'had the good luck' Engl. 'chance' = French Occasion. 12 31 planté sur place: 'rooted to the spot', of en resta planté 44 11. 12 32 prenant le vent: 'sniffing the air, used of hunting dogs, as a nautical expression = 'sailing near the wind'.