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A silk curtain covered the window, hiding the interior of the shop from the street, and, when he reached the low woodwork above which it hung, he twitched the curtain back with a sudden movement of his hand and raised himself slowly until his head was on a level with the glass. Mhtoon Pah grew suddenly rigid, and the thick black hair on his head seemed to bristle.

We lunched at the Consulate, our gentlemen changed to more comfortable attire, and then we went to see a Buddhist temple, supposed to be rather a fine specimen of woodwork. It is specially curious on account of some monkeys and a white horse, each kept in a sort of side shrine.

The windows are wide open at one end of the great room. The walls are tinted with terra cotta, and the woodwork is painted in Indian red.

Engelman contained some of the finest carved woodwork in the house. It was beginning to get dark. Mr. Engelman lit the candles in his own room. The widow took one of them from him, and threw the light skillfully on the different objects about her.

Daintily beautiful as a casket is the chamber of the shrine. All its elaborated woodwork is lacquered in scarlet and gold; the altar- piece is a delight of carving and colour; the ceiling swarms with dreams of clouds and dragons.

Here again was the soft glow of electric lights cunningly concealed with nowhere a hint of the wires that ran in deeply chiseled grooves; here was a wide couch, a bit of the woodland, as were the chairs and table, the rough bark still upon the woodwork, cushions and coverlet of bearskin; here a smaller table, a smaller chair. "It's wonderful, you wonderful Wayne!" she cried delightedly.

Experts have assured me that they are actually neither of silk nor linen! but of some material animal rather than vegetable with which they are wholly unacquainted. On the cushions and woodwork especially on the woodwork of the floor were huge blotches, stains of some sort. When first noticed they were damp, and gave out a most unpleasant smell.

Miss Marbury's bedroom is just over mine, and is a sunshiny place of much rose and blue and cream. Her rooms are always full of blue, just as my rooms are always full of rose color. This bedroom has cream woodwork and walls of a bluish-gray, cream painted furniture covered with a mellow sort of rose-and-cream chintz, and a Persian rug made up of blue and cream.

Some of us looked brighter than others of us. Upstairs in the hall we assembled to wait upon the pleasure of the boss. The woodwork was white, the floor pale blueit was all very impressive. Finally, second try, the boss glued his eye on me.

The fire soon showed itself, when it had once got ahead. When the new Exchange was erected, after the former one had been taken down in 1748, somebody persuaded the authorities to have the woodwork and timber of the new building steeped in a composition of rosin and turpentine, so as to make the wood more durable.