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Good laws should execute themselves in a well-regulated state; at least, if the same legislature which provides the laws doth not provide for the execution of them, they act as Graham would do, if he should form all the parts of a clock in the most exquisite manner, yet put them so together that the clock could not go.

His father had endeavoured to rectify the defects of his education by placing him in a well-regulated seminary. But although he showed some capacity for learning, his riotous conduct soon became intolerable to his teachers. The elder Mr.

There are always sure to be a few mis-sorts, even in our well-regulated family that is, letters sorted to the wrong sections or divisions. Forty mis-sorts in the five hundred is considered very bad work." "But what if a sorter does not happen to know the division to which any particular letter belongs?" asked Miss Lillycrop.

The action of the larynx can be exercised and improved by singing seconds, thirds, etc. The keynote always may be sung on oo; the second, third, etc., on ee. Vocal hygiene is a specific system based upon well-regulated principles for a specific purpose and applying to a specific class in the family of nations.

And of late he had taken to attending her to a certain neighbouring church, whereto Peggie, like a well-regulated young lady, was constant in her Sunday visits. There in the Herapath family pew, he and Peggie sat together on this particular Sunday morning, neither with any thought that the Herapath mystery had penetrated to their sacred surroundings.

It had none of the charm which belongs to every well-regulated attic; it was merely a storehouse, full of cobwebs and dust. A few old trunks were stored there, all empty save the small hair-cloth trunk which held Rosemary's mother's few possessions that had outlived her. She opened it, found the box, and discovered that she had forgotten the scissors with which she intended to break the lock.

It is even to be hoped that the speculations of our newspaper editors and their myriad correspondence upon the signs of the political atmosphere may also fill their appointed place in a well-regulated universe, if it be only that of supplying so many more jack-o'-lanterns to the future historian.

Shaking the hand of his son as if his shoulder wanted oiling, he said, "Marriage is a most important relation. Young men can not be too cautious in regard to it. It is not an affair of the feelings merely; but common sense dictates that when new relations are likely to arise, suitable provision should be made. Hence every well-regulated person considers the matter from a pecuniary point of view.

It's morbid to say this; it's unhealthy; it's all that a well-regulated mind like Miss Clack's most instinctively shudders at. Never mind that. Tell me the whole of the Northumberland Street story directly. I know the newspapers have left some of it out." Even dear Mr.

Of course no well-regulated and well-bred young woman and Miss Bascombe was both ever permits herself to remember any man until she is engaged to him; but she need not forget one that has impressed her agreeably.