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Updated: August 11, 2024

This latter speech having been delivered during a halt, the Corporal had heard it: he grinned delightedly as he touched his hat to Sir Peter, who now trotted off, and muttered to his young master: "Most sensible man, that, Sir!" Nihil est aliud magnum quam multa minuta. Vetus Auctor.

'To the Archduke Luitpold, Vetus de Monte sends greeting. If the Melek Richard be any way let in the matter of his life and renown, I bid you take heed that as I served the Marquess of Montferrat, so also I shall serve your Serenity. But the Emperor demanded more civil advertisement: he got a remarkably fine letter.

The Historia Brittonum, compiled a century or two later, preserves even less memory of things Roman. There is some hint of a vetus traditio seniorum.

The water was brought from some pools in one of the valleys on the eastern side of the Anio, some miles farther up than the point from which the Anio Vetus was supplied; and the new aqueduct, which was 54 miles in length, was called the Marcian, after the Prætor Marcius, to whom the work was intrusted.

I am not going to criticise Macpherson's Ossian here. Make the part of what is forged, modern, tawdry, spurious, in the book, as large as you please; strip Scotland, if you like, of every feather of borrowed plumes which on the strength of Macpherson's Ossian she may have stolen from that vetus et major Scotia, the true home of the Ossianic poetry, Ireland; I make no objection.

When we consider the chaos in which that dismal MS. presented itself to the eyes of the unfortunate Professor in the University of Rome, we can readily conceive how he must have consulted, as he told us he did, "the learned, the judicious and the subtle" about the correction of errors of the knottiest nature which came upon him so fast that, to express their abundance, he instinctively borrows his figure of speech, from water gushing from a fountain or coming down in a cataract: "the old manuscript," says he, "from which I have undertaken to transcribe and publish this volume, gushes forth with a multiplicity of blunders:" "vetus codex, unde hunc ipsum describendum atque invulgandum curavi, pluribus mendis scatet."

'To the most exalted man, Henry, by the grace of God Emperor of the Romans, happy, pious, ever august, the invincible Conqueror, Vetus de Monte, by the same great Chief of the Assassins, sends greeting with the kiss of peace. Let your Celsitude make certain acquaintance with error in regard to the most illustrious person whom you have in hold.

His De Veritate Religionis Christianae and his Annotationes in Vetus et in Novum Testamentum are now out of date; but the De Veritate was in its day a most valuable piece of Christian apologetic and was quickly translated into many languages.

In cuius obuiationis loco in ascensu procliuo huius montis per multos gradus construxerunt Ecclesiam, aedificium excellens, in honorem eiusdem virginis. Et alibuanto altius, per eiusdem montis ascensum est vetus Capella, quam vocant Eliae Prophetae, et locum specialiter appellant Horeb.

De vrbe Constantinopoli, et reltquijs ibidem contentis. Constantinopolis pulchra est Ciuitas, et nobilis, triangularis in forma, firmiterque murata, cuius duae partes includuntur mari Hellesponto, quod plurimi modo appellant brachium sancti Georgij, et aliqui Buke, Troia vetus.

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