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In the repair of such a case after a vaginal hysterectomy Mayo reports a successful reimplantation of the ureter into the bladder. Stricture of the ureter is also a very rare occurrence except as a result of compression of abdominal or pelvic new growths.

At least once a day these parts should be sponged carefully. The labia should be separated and every fold thoroughly cleansed. Occasional vaginal douches also are necessary, for the various secretions often are retained in the folds of the vagina and cause irritation. But in taking a douche one always should remember to have the water warm. Cold water may produce congestion.

Here I must be allowed to protest most solemnly against the use of injections into the vagina for the so-called purpose of cleanliness. Vaginal syringes are constructed and used now by thousands and the sufferings of the human race are increased thereby ten thousand fold proportionately. The vagina, like all organs supplied with a mucous membrane, is self-cleansing.

A recent example of the pygopagus type was Rosa-Josepha Blazek, born in Skerychov, in Bohemia, January 20, 1878. These twins had a broad bony union in the lower part of the lumbar region, the pelvis being obviously completely fused. They had a common urethral and anal aperture, but a double vaginal orifice, with a very apparent septum.

For instance, Cloquet removed a foreign body which was incrusted in the vagina, and found the cork pessary which had formed its nucleus completely rotted. A similar instrument found by Gosselin had remained in the vagina thirty-six years, and was incrustated with calcareous salts. Metal is always attacked by the vaginal secretions in the most marked manner.

The consummation of marriage is often attended with difficulty owing to the rigidity of the hymen; this, if present, must usually be ruptured before connection takes place. Great gentleness and care must be exercised by the husband if it does not readily yield, the use of hot vaginal injections should be kept up for several weeks before the trial is repeated.

Surgical operations or vaginal examinations, roughly conducted, not infrequently cause rupture. Then, too, authentic cases are on record in which prostitutes have had perfectly preserved hymens. It is well known that the use of vaginal astringents may tone up and narrow the vagina and even restore the hymen to a great degree. It is this perineum that sometimes becomes torn during childbirth.

As Ploss and Bartels remark, a very common variation among European women consists in an unusually posterior position of the vulva and vaginal entrance, so that unless a cushion is placed under the buttocks it is difficult for the man to effect coitus in the usual position without giving much pain to the woman.

There is again the vaginal secretion, opaque and albuminous, which appears to be alkaline when secreted, but becomes acid under the decomposing influence of bacteria, which are, however, harmless and not pathogenic.

Cadiot and Almy recommend vaginal douches of cold water and counterirritation of the region of the inner thigh in these cases. Paralysis of the Sciatic Nerve. Anatomy. Near the stifle it passes between the two heads of the gastrocnemius muscle and continues as the tibial. Etiology and Occurrence.