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"I do not think that interest will increase. Thee has climbed quickly, but fast climbing is not always safe climbing." His mood changed. His voice quickened, his face lowered. "You think I will fail? You wish me to fail?" "In so far as thee acts uprightly, I wish thee well.

They were instructed to endeavor to procure peace and reconciliation by all means compatible with the honor and faith of the United States, but no national engagements were to be impaired, no innovation to be permitted upon those internal regulations for the preservation of peace which had been deliberately and uprightly established, nor were the rights of the government to be surrendered.

'and speaketh uprightly, he that despiseth the gain of oppression, that shaketh his hands from holding of bribes, that stoppeth his ears from hearing of blood, that shutteth his eyes from seeing evil. Righteous action, righteous speech, inward hatred of possessions gotten at my neighbour's cost, and a vehement resistance to all the seductions of sense, shutting one's hands, stopping one's ears, fastening one's eyes up tight so that he may not handle, nor hear, nor see the evil there is the outline of a trite, everyday sort of morality which is to mark the man who, as Isaiah says, can 'dwell amongst the everlasting fires.

But when I saw that they walked not uprightly according to the truth of the Gospel, I said unto Peter before them all" Well done, Paul, noble, gloriously courageous Charity that! He did not go and mutter behind Peter's back and stab him in the dark

It is a man of business, worthy and esteemed, administering his client's affairs with thoroughness, economy, and honour. It is a wise judge, holding the balances with a steadfast hand, sitting there clothed reverently, to judge uprightly and to do no more.

You owe me nothing, for you have acted toward me honestly and uprightly, and I shall be a stronger or at least a better woman for what you gave me and for what you could not give me, even though you would." "But, Bertha," exclaimed he, looking mournfully at her, "it is not true when you say that I owe you nothing.

If any man could have said, I will be virtuous; I, of myself, unaided, trusting to my own power, guarding myself by the light of my own reason; I will walk uprightly through the world, and will shed light from my path upon my brethren, he might have said so. He attempted it, and history shows us the result.

How precious to have learned in any measure to stand with God alone in the world, and yet to be happy, and to know that surely no good thing shall be withheld from us whilst we walk uprightly! Sept. 23. This morning there was again only 10s. in hand for the Orphans. As this was not enough for the day, I opened the box in my house, in which I found 8s. 6d.

Carmelo, without wasting more words upon them, raised himself as uprightly as he could in his strained and bound position, and called aloud: "Luigi Biscardi! Capitano! Oh he you thought I could not see you! Dio! I should know you in hell! Come near, I have a parting word for you." At the sound of his strong harsh voice, a silence half of terror, half of awe, fell upon the chattering multitude.

Surely yes: "He that walketh uprightly, walketh surely." Using strict veracity and integrity, candour and equity, is the best method of accomplishing good designs. Our own industry, good use of the parts and faculties God hath given us, embracing fair opportunities, God's blessing and providence, are sufficient means to rely upon for procuring, in an honest way, whatever is convenient for us.