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"It is sudden and and strange!" continued the King, still speaking in the same rapid manner, and beginning to push aside the various letters and documents on his table "It is a kind of darkness fallen without warning! but such tragedies always do happen thus unpreparedly! Lotys was a grand creature, a noble and self-sacrificing woman the poor will miss her yes the poor will miss her greatly!

Her parents told her all unpreparedly, and with no doubt unnecessary harshness, the real position of the college lad with whom she had wandered in the fields so confidingly; and in the bewilderment of her poor little broken heart and puzzled brain, she gave herself to the river by whose flowering banks she had sworn her maiden vows, though she knew it not, to her future King; and so, drowning her life and love together, made a piteous exit from all difficulty.

And what conclusion of a reign could be more Christian-like than his when, "exhausted by the long enfeeblement of his wasted body, but disdaining to die ignobly or unpreparedly, he called about him pious men, bishops, abbots, and many priests of holy Church; and then, scorning all false shame, he demanded to make his confession devoutly before them all, and to fortify himself against death by the comfortable sacrament of the body and blood of Christ!

It was an awful venture, made unpreparedly, and her eyes, trying to withstand his, dropped. Yet they rallied splendidly "They've got to!" said something within her and, "I could," she blushingly qualified, "but I could criticise it too!" His heart warmed at her defiant smile. "I'd rather have that honor than a bag of gold!" he said, and saw his slip too late. Gold!

It was thus with many of the far-off Empire-builders. They heard so late, so unpreparedly, so suddenly; and in the first shock, an exile which had been a calmly accepted condition, became almost a menace, seemed swiftly to develop a force.

Stirred profoundly but, as is the British way, saying little, the Dominion is setting herself in earnest to the big new problem. To the European War, Canada has sent sixty thousand men; and she has promised one hundred thousand more. A nation that can unpreparedly deliver on such promises to the drop of the hat can take care of her defense, and that may be Canada's next national job.

Young people undertake the most risky experiment in the world as lightly and unpreparedly as they would go on a summer holiday! It must be understood that all these arguments are used from the standpoint of supposing the married pair start with love.