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Those persons of pure hearts who have imbibed contentment from knowledge, and who have cast off all desires and attachments, gradually approach in respect of their nature, nearer and nearer to Brahma which has the unmanifest for his attribute, which is divine, and without birth and death. Attaining to that supreme state which is indestructible and eternal, they exist in felicity.

In the material sense "God is Unknowable" but in the higher sense He may be known to the Spirit of Man, and His existence may be known and proven by the exercise of the highest faculties of the reason. Being Unmanifest is the One in its actual existence and being.

Cupidity and stupefaction of judgment are the grass and straw that float on it, covering its bosom. Lust and wrath are the fierce reptiles that live in it. Truth forms the tirtha by its miry banks. Falsehood forms its surges, anger its mire. Taking its rise from the Unmanifest, rapid is its current, and incapable of being crossed by persons of uncleansed souls.

It is not laid down that this should be done, of that this should not be done, in the rules for achieving Emancipation, those, that is, in which a knowledge of the soul arises only in him who sees and hears. One should comprehend as many parts, unmanifest and manifest by hundreds and thousands, as one is capable of comprehending here.

If in course of time he succeeds in crossing that Ocean of Ignorance in which he is sunk, he then succeeds in avoiding rebirth altogether and attaining to identity with the Supreme Soul. The Ocean of Ignorance is terrible. It is bottomless and called the Unmanifest. O Bharata, day after day, creatures are seen to fall and sink in that Ocean.

In our "Advanced Lessons" and in "Gnani Yoga" this subject is considered in detail. Then what is this Spirit of Life? If God is All, then it cannot be Something other than God. But it cannot well be God the Uncreate the Absolute in its Absolute phase the Being Unmanifest. Then what can it be?

And then, from the categories of the incomprehensible and unmanifest, "something" loomed forth towards them where, limp and shaking, they leaned against the wall, and they witnessed the indescribable operation by which the four Letters, whirling and alive, ran together and melted into a single terrific semblance of a FORM ... the sight of which entered the heart of Spinrobin and threatened to split it asunder with the joy of the most sublime terror and adoration a human soul has ever known.

The commentators explain the word fire, the light, day, &c., as several godheads presiding over particular times. The atmosphere occupies space without affecting it or its nature. So all things are in the Supreme Being without affecting him. My nature, i.e., the unmanifest principle or primal essence.

Such a person is said to be distinguished above others. Such a person is said to derive his joys from the Soul. Like the Sun dispelling darkness, felicity dispels the sorrows of that Yogin who transcends both the gross and the subtile elements, as also Mahat and the Unmanifest.

Verily, till I attain to absorption into eternal Brahman, till, in fact, the final dissolution of the universe, I shall look on those happy ends that will be mine, and on those beings that constitute this universe. Verily, I shall attain to the condition, which is unmanifest aspect of Brahman. Let no doubt be thine as regards this.