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It is merely the preparation of the soil of the mind for what comes afterward. The phase called "Gnani Yoga" the Yoga of Wisdom is the highest of all the various phases of Yoga, although each of the lower steps is important in itself. We find ourselves approaching the phase of our work for which we have long wished.

In our "Advanced Lessons" and in "Gnani Yoga" this subject is considered in detail. Then what is this Spirit of Life? If God is All, then it cannot be Something other than God. But it cannot well be God the Uncreate the Absolute in its Absolute phase the Being Unmanifest. Then what can it be?

Following this course, we will begin a series of lessons in "GNANI YOGA" the Yoga of Wisdom in which we will pass on to our students the highest teachings regarding the Reality and its Manifestations the One and the Many. The teachings that "All is Mind" will be explained in such a manner as to be understood by all who have followed us so far.

Either say "I am thou, O Lord!" and thus out at the root of the lower "I" and destroy it for ever or say "I am nothing, O Eternal One! thou art everything" and thereby lose the lower into the Higher. The first is for the Gnani the second for the Bhakti Yogi. Both mean the same thing. Love everyone but do not depend upon the love of any one. Give everything. Take nothing. Serve every one.

The mystic, the teacher, and the philosopher are following the path of Gnani; so is the true occultist, but many who deal in so-called occultism are employing knowledge only, entirely missing the higher quality wisdom. Bhakti Yoga, the path of self-surrender; the thorny way through the emotions; the "blood of the heart," is the short cut to Illumination, if such a thing could be.

In this course of lessons, of which this is the first, we shall take up the subject of "Gnani Yoga" the Yoga of Wisdom, and will endeavor to make plain some of its most important and highest teachings.

Gnani Yoga comes as complementary to practice of the sutras because knowledge applied for the purpose of spiritual attainment brings wisdom. Gnani Yoga, then, is the path of wisdom.

These paths are called: Karma Yoga; Raja Yoga; Gnani Yoga; Bhakti Yoga. Karma Yoga is the path of cheerful submission to the conditions in which the disciple finds himself, believing that those conditions are his because of his needs, and in order that he may fulfill that which he has attracted to himself.

It is well that every one should learn the wisdom of "Gnani Yoga," that he may realize the wonderful truths underlying life the science of Being. And, most assuredly every one should know something of Bhakti Yogi, that he may understand the great teachings regarding the Love underlying all life. We have written a work on "Hatha Yoga," and a course on "Raja Yoga" which is now in book form.

We have told you something regarding "Gnani Yoga" in our Fourteen Lessons, and also in our Advanced Course.