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Had the Uitlanders been sufficiently armed there can be no question that rightly or wrongly they would have sided with Jameson, and would have given him effective support had they known that he needed it.

The English, we admitted, had a perfect right to hire such sweepings, and to use them against us, but we utterly despised them for allowing themselves to be hired. We felt that their motive was not to obtain the franchise of the Uitlanders, but five shillings a day!

Without attempting to enumerate all the wrongs which embittered the Uitlanders, the more serious of them may be summed up in this way: 1. That they were heavily taxed and provided about seven-eighths of the revenue of the country.

But Madame Lamotte found that the English were a little hypocrite. They were talking of justice and the Uitlanders, not of business. Monsieur was the first who had spoken to her of that. "The Boers are only half-civilised," remarked Soames; "they stand in the way of progress. It will never do to let our suzerainty go." "What does that mean to say? Suzerainty!" "What a strange word!"

Mr. Kotzé was not at that time popular among the Uitlanders on account of his action in the matter of the Reformers, and especially because he had acted on behalf of the Government in securing the services of Mr.

East London: November 5, 1899. We have left Headquarters busy with matters that as yet concern no one but themselves in the Mount Nelson Hotel at Cape Town a most excellent and well-appointed establishment, which may be thoroughly appreciated after a sea voyage, and which, since many of the leading Uitlanders have taken up their abode there during the war, is nicknamed 'The Helot's Rest. Last night I started by rail for East London, whence a small ship carries the weekly English mail to Natal, and so by this circuitous route I hope to reach Ladysmith on Sunday morning.

As far as I see it now, in this present discussion, I think, indeed, there should be no positive compulsions at all in Utopia, at any rate for the adult Utopian unless they fall upon him as penalties incurred. Section 2 What prohibitions should we be under, we two Uitlanders in this Utopian world?

Come on! cried a member of the Volksraad when the franchise petition of the Uitlanders was presented. 'Protest! Protest! What is the good of protesting? said Kruger to Mr. W. Y. Campbell; 'you have not got the guns, I have. There was always the final court of appeal. Judge Creusot and Judge Mauser were always behind the President.

Fixed deposits from 1888 to 1893 inclusive. The sale and purchase of explosives from 1895 to 1898 inclusive. The owner's share of claim licenses from 1895 to 1899 inclusive. Delagoa Bay Customs Dues paid to the Netherlands Railway for 1898 and 1899. The dynamite monopoly has always been a Monopoly very burning question with the Uitlanders.

He mistook an agitation against the exclusive policy of the State for one against the existence of the State itself. A wide franchise would have made his republic firm-based and permanent. It was a small minority of the Uitlanders who had any desire to come into the British system. They were a cosmopolitan crowd, only united by the bond of a common injustice.