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Fraser, C., on the different colours of the sexes in a species of Squilla. Fraser, G., colours of Thecla. Frere, Hookham, quoting Theognis on selection in mankind. Fringilla cannabina. Fringilla ciris, age of mature plumage in. Fringilla cyanea, age of mature plumage in. Fringilla leucophrys, young of. Fringilla spinus. Fringilla tristis, change of colour in, in spring; young of.

For the goldfinch of N. America, Fringilla tristis, Linn., see Audubon, 'Ornithological Biography, vol. i. p. 172. I am indebted to Mr. Blyth for information as to the Buphus; see also Jerdon, 'Birds of India, vol. iii. p. 749. On the Alca, see Macgillivray, 'Hist. Brit. Birds, vol. v. p. 347. On the Fringilla leucophrys, Audubon, ibid. vol. ii. p. 89.

The nursery of our greatest dramatists must be looked for, not, it is true, in the transfigured bear-gardens of the Bankside, but in those enchanted taverns, islanded and bastioned by the protective decree Idiota, insulsus, tristis, turpis, abesto.

After all this ask for knowledge, dignity, gratitude! De nobis, post haec, tristis sententia fertur!

"A golden finch, indeed!" he exclaims. Such a tribute as this from the pen of a British nobleman ought to give Astragalinus tristis immediate entrance into the very best of American society. It is common to say that the goldfinches wander about the country during the winter.

Life appears to have perfected this trick of separate sexes, sex specialization, in short, for the sake of the efficiency which goes with specialization. When a germ cell divides, its nuclear material breaks up into segments known as chromosomes. Now it has been found, for example in the case of the common squash bug, anasa tristis, that there are 22 chromosomes in the female, and 21 in the male.

They therefore merit only passing notice. The common myna of the Nilgiris is not Acridotheres tristis but Æthiopsar fuscus the jungle myna. The casual observer usually fails to notice any difference between the two species, so closely do they resemble one another. Careful inspection, however, shows that the jungle myna has a little patch of feathers in front of the head over the beak.

Another series of early-blooming, small-flowered species is represented by G. blandus, flesh colored, G. Watsonius, scarlet, G. alatus, yellow and red, and G. tristis, pale yellow, sweet scented. All are native to the Cape of Good Hope and can endure little cold.

The names of these, given by the classical Linnaeus and Wahlenberg, tell in some cases of their birth-places, in others of their hardihood, their lurid colours and weather-beaten aspects; such as tristis, gelida, glacialis, arctica, alpina, saxatilis, polaris, frigida, and numerous others equally familiar to the Scotch botanist.

Ambitiosa morte, i.e. morte ultro adita captandae gloriae causa apud posteros. For. and Fac. XLIII. Luctuosus, afflictive, is stronger than tristis, sad. Vulgus. The lower classes, the ignorant and indolent rabble. Populus. The common people, tradesmen, mechanics, and the like.