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For the goldfinch of N. America, Fringilla tristis, Linn., see Audubon, 'Ornithological Biography, vol. i. p. 172. I am indebted to Mr. Blyth for information as to the Buphus; see also Jerdon, 'Birds of India, vol. iii. p. 749. On the Alca, see Macgillivray, 'Hist. Brit. Birds, vol. v. p. 347. On the Fringilla leucophrys, Audubon, ibid. vol. ii. p. 89.

The young of the Ardea asha are white, the adults being dark slate-coloured; and not only the young, but the adults in their winter plumage, of the allied Buphus coromandus are white, this colour changing into a rich golden-buff during the breeding-season.

Bunting, reed, head feathers of the male; attacked by a bullfinch. Buntings, characters of young. Buphus coromandus, sexes and young of; change of colour in. Burchell, Dr., on the zebra; on the extravagance of a Bushwoman in adorning herself; celibacy unknown among the savages of South Africa; on the marriage-customs of the Bushwomen. Burke, on the number of species of man.

We may therefore conclude that some early progenitor of the Ardea asha and the Buphus acquired a white plumage for nuptial purposes, and transmitted this colour to their young; so that the young and the old became white like certain existing egrets; and that the whiteness was afterwards retained by the young, whilst it was exchanged by the adults for more strongly-pronounced tints.