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His terms being refused, he said, as Stevens reports, "Well, go back to your fort and see if your men dare fight any more, and give me an answer quickly; for my men want to be fighting." Stevens now acted as if he had been the moderator of a town-meeting. Answer was made accordingly, but Niverville's promise to storm the fort and "run over it" was not kept.

Is the single vote a man casts the full measure of his influence and power in the town-meeting? What are the objections to a suffrage restricted by property and intellectual qualifications? To a suffrage unrestricted by such qualifications? Do women vote in your town? If so, give some account of their voting and of the success or popularity of the plan. Is lynch law ever justifiable?

Bigoted, tireless, secretive, this cunning manipulator of political passions followed many tortuous paths. His ability for adroit misstatement of an adversary's position has been equaled but once in our history. But to the casual reader of his four volumes, Samuel Adams seems ever to be breathing the liberal air of the town-meeting: everything is as plainly obvious as a good citizen can make it.

He don't believe in improvements, and when he tried to make a speech in town-meeting they all jeered him. There ain't any one good enough for him to speak to now but himself an' an' his Creator." In the midst of dinner, they heard an outcry in the yard. Tom's game-cock had challenged the old rooster, and the two were leaping and striking with foot and wing.

They are good as young men go in a degenerate age. They insist on working in cement! He has grandchildren in school, and spoils them. He is also a man of public interests and upon town-meeting day puts on his good clothes and sits modestly toward the back of the hall.

The return of Jethro Bass to activity seriously complicates the railroad situation, and many prominent politicians are freely predicting to-night that, in spite of the town-meeting returns, the proposed bill for consolidation will not go through.

"This winter?" asked his wife, while Jane embraced her dearly loved father as if he were off for the moon. Boston was fifty-eight miles away. "I have just attended town-meeting," he explained. "The sixty pounds which we have pledged to Harvard College annually must be paid. There are also town matters for consultation."

A man who has a claim against a town, and applies to a town-meeting, is very likely to obtain justice: but he who has a claim against the state, and applies to the General Assembly, stands but a poor chance to obtain justice. Some rule will be found to exclude his claim,—or to lessen it,—or he will be paid in a securitynot worth half the money.

After that dark town-meeting day some of those stern old fathers became broken men, and it is said in Coniston that this calamity to righteous government, and not the storm, gave to Priest Ware his death-stroke. And now we must go back for a chapter a very short chapter to the day before that town meeting which had so momentous an influence upon the history of Coniston and of the state.

What is still more important is that in some parts of England cultivation in common has continued until quite recently. The local legislation of the mark appears in the tunscipesmot, a word which is simply Old-English for "town-meeting."