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Toozle was, in his way, as much delighted to see Poopy as he had been to see Alice no, we are wrong, not quite so much as that, but still extremely glad to see her, and evinced his joy by extravagant sounds and actions.

He charged at once with characteristic want of consideration, and, plunging headlong into Alice's bosom, sought to cover her face with kisses i.e., with licks, that being the well-known canine method of doing the thing. "O Toozle, how glad, glad, glad, I am to see you, my own darling Toozle!" cried Alice, actually shedding tears. Toozle screamed with delight. It was almost too much for him.

There was a peculiarly attractive power about her which drew other creatures around her, wherever she might chance to be. The first individual who broke in upon her was that animated piece of ragged door-mat, Toozle. This imbecile little dog was not possessed of much delicacy of feeling.

There was a peculiarly attractive power about her which drew other creatures around her wherever she might chance to be. The first individual who broke in upon her was that animated piece of ragged door-mat, Toozle.

At his heels came that scampering mass of ragged door-mat Toozle, who, feeling that a sensation of some kind or other was being got up for his amusement, joined heartily in the shout of delight that burst from the youthful Corrie when he beheld the extraordinary figure in the fireplace.

She by some mischance had got separated from her young mistress, and immediately went in search of her. She found her at once, of course; for, as water finds its level, so love finds its object, without much loss of time. "O Toozle! bee! hee! am dat you?" exclaimed Poopy, who was as much delighted in her way to see the dog as Alice had been.

There's plenty of pots and pans here to do it; and if Alice will bring down her white frock I'll give it a touch-up too." "How can you talk such nonsense, Corrie!" said Alice, laughing. "Down, Toozle; silence, sir. Go, my dear Poopy, and put on another frock; and make haste, for I have something to say to you."

But won't I give it you all in my first letter? and won't you open your eyes just until they look like two blue saucers?" Further conversation between the friends was interrupted at this point by the inrushing of Toozle, followed up by Poopy, and, a short time after, by Mr Mason, who took Alice away with him, and left poor Corrie disconsolate.

It rang in those of the pirates, who had been sent ashore to hide, like the scream of a steam-whistle, in consequence of their being close at hand, and it sounded like a faint cry in those of Henry Stuart and the missionary, who, with their party, were a long way off, slowly tracing the footsteps of the lost Alice, to which they had been guided by the keen scent of that animated scrap of door-mat, Toozle.

It rang in those of the pirates, who had been sent ashore to hide, like the scream of a steam-whistle, in consequence of their being close at hand, and it sounded like a faint cry in those of Henry Stuart and the missionary, who, with their party, were a long way off, slowly tracing the footsteps of the lost Alice, to which they had been guided by the keen scent of that animated scrap of door-mat, Toozle.