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Not with fresh refutations, perhaps, but with a wonderful prodigality of fresh illustrations and conceits. A Letter to the Electors upon the Catholic Question begins with the thrice-repeated question, "Why is not a Catholic to be believed on his oath?" "What says the law of the land to this extravagant piece of injustice?

The meeting had been gathered some time when I arose, and after repeating our Lord's thrice-repeated query to Peter, 'Lovest thou me? I remarked that it was addressed to one who had been forgiven much, and who could appeal to the Searcher of hearts that he did indeed love Him. Few of us had had the temptation to endure which overcame Peter when he denied his Lord and Master.

The chorus concludes with a reflection on the scene of murder thrice-repeated in the royal palace since the repast of Thyestes. The scene of the Electra of Sophocles is also laid before the palace, but does not contain the grave of Agamemnon.

To have the big doors of the front portal flung open at the thrice-repeated knock of the beadle's staff; to hear Mendelssohn's 'Wedding March' pealed from the great organ; to march in solemn procession up the aisle, preceded by that wonderful figure in cocked hat, red sash, pink silk stockings, and shoes sparkling with huge buckles, all the congregation a-titter it seems to me it were worth while being married simply for the intoxication of such a moment.

But to-day, however, two old sparrows and one young one answered with a "Chirrup!" and with a thrice-repeated scrape of the left leg. "Ah, good day, good day!" It was two old birds from the nest, and a little one besides, of the family. "That we should meet here! It is a very grand sort of place, but there is nothing to eat here: that is 'the beautiful! Chirrup!"

But to-day two old sparrows and a young one answered with a "peep" and the thrice-repeated scrape with the left foot. "Ah! Good-day! good-day!" They were two old ones from the nest and a little one of the family. "Do we meet here? It's a grand place, but there's not much to eat. This is 'the beautiful. Peep!"

The other assailants fired hurriedly and without aim, then daunted by the attack so suddenly carried into their midst, and by the appearance of one or two of their own beaten comrades the enemy turned and fairly bolted. We did not pursue. Far away down the road we heard the clatter of hoofs, and thin and clear came the thrice-repeated cry of the "Bob White."

The thrice-repeated stroke of the bell in the cloister interrupted his devotions, and the full, round face of Brother Tobias glowed with pleasing anticipations. "They ring for breakfast, Brother Anastasius," said he; "let us hasten before Brother Baptist, who is ever the first at the table, appropriates the best morsels and lays them on his plate.

The huntsmen with a thrice-repeated vivat, armed with spoons, ran up and assailed the kettle; the copper rang, the vapour burst forth, the bigos evaporated like camphor, it vanished and flew away; only in the jaws of the caldrons the steam still seethed, as in the craters of extinct volcanoes.

Yes, I said to myself, gone, its record made up to be opened in eternity. I stood still, staring vaguely at the dial as in a trance. And as the next hour creeps stealthily up, it starts all at once, and cries aloud, Gone! Gone! The sun sinks lower, the hour-hand creeps downward with it, until I hear the thrice-repeated monosyllable, Gone! Gone! Gone!