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Again the creature dashed away, getting back most of the line that Dick had taken in. Once more the fish weakened, and the canoe was drawn up beside it, and once more it sprang in the air and dashed away. But with each fresh effort the tarpon became weaker, until Dick said to Ned: "He's about played out. Better take the gaff next time I get near him and see if you can land him in the canoe."

I imagine that all its inhabitants, by the law of the survival of the fittest, must be immune from fever, which is certainly not the case in that most unattractive spot Colon. It may interest any prospective visitors to Colon to learn that there is excellent tarpon fishing in Colon Harbour itself.

Jump has performed the apparently impossible. Marlin swordfish hooked on light tackle can be handled by an exceedingly skilful angler. They make an indescribably spectacular, wonderful fight, on the surface all the time, and can be taken as quickly as on heavy tackle. Obviously, then, this becomes true of tarpon and sailfish and small tuna.

In the shoal water over the broad banks which lay to the south and east of the Irene the bayonet fins of many tarpon rose high above the surface as the fish beneath them pursued their prey.

But the fish saw the uplifted weapon and sheered away, swimming with renewed vigor, and Dick had to work for another half hour before his quarry was quiet enough for the blow. This delay was fortunate for the boys, since it left the tarpon too tired to struggle.

He made long runs and short runs and all kinds of runs, and for half an hour he defied any strain I dared put on him. Eventually I captured him, and I considered him superior to a tarpon of equal or even more weight. Barracuda are a despised fish, apparently because of their voracious and murderous nature.

I'll look after whatever you want out there when I've got you home." "Oh, oh," she moaned. "Won't you this one time take orders?" I went on past the corner. She had a right to put it just that way. I gave the Tarpon all I dared in town streets. "What time is it?" I heard her whispering to Bill. "Eight minutes to ten? I have to be there by ten, or it's no use. Can he make it?

It was when zey were chasing a school, just like this." "You're thinking of the tarpon, Colin," his father said; "it leaps wildly after it has been hooked. The tuna, although a wonderful leaper, hardly ever rises from the water after it is fast to the line. But the tarpon is a vicious fighter.

He was fond of horses and dogs; associated democratically with gamekeepers, grooms, whippers-in, poachers even; as Roosevelt did with cowboys, tarpon fishers, wilderness guides, beaters, trappers, and all whom Walt Whitman calls "powerful uneducated persons," loving them for their pluck, coolness, strength, and skill.

Then the line was carried out with a rush by a fish that twice jumped one or two feet in the air. "Got a tarpon, sure," said Ned, who had never taken one, and he became most anxious lest the fish escape. For nearly half an hour he carefully played the fish, which never jumped again.