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That might be a little embarrassing at first; but the feeling would soon wear off; such circumstances were common and well understood in the theatre, where stage-lovers cease their cooing the moment they withdraw into the wings. But this other possibility of finding Miss Burgoyne and her friends in the immediate neighborhood of Strathaivron Lodge?

"Do you know what first made me long to get away from the theatre?" he said, in a low voice. "It was those places there. It was Strathaivron and you." "I, Mr. Moore?" And now he had to go on; he had taken his fate in his hands; there was some kind of despairing recklessness in his brain; his breath came and went quickly and painfully as he spoke. "Well, I must tell you now, whatever comes of it.

"Do you know that you may spoil a place by your extravagance? I should think all the keepers and gillies in Strathaivron were blessing your name at this very moment." "And you go up in the spring, you said?" "Yes. That is the real fishing-time. My brother Hugh and I have it all to ourselves then; Lady Adela and the rest of them prefer London."

He was shown the various processes and stages of the taxidermist's art, the amorphous mass of skin and hair gradually taking shape and substance until it stood forth in all its glory of flaming eye and proud nostril and branching antlers; and he was highly pleased to be told that this head he had got in Strathaivron was a fairly good one, as stags now go in the North.

The next moment Nina had passed on silently, like a ghost, and had disappeared in the dusk behind some scenery. "When shall you be back in Strathaivron, Miss Honnor?" he asked. "In the spring, I suppose, for the salmon-fishing," she made answer.

Once, at the tail of the Rock Pool, you wound up, and said to him, 'Well, I can't do any better than that, Robert; and then he said, 'No man ever fished that pool better oh, I beg your pardon, Miss Honnor; no one at all ever fished that pool better. I suppose Strathaivron is nothing to you you must be so familiar with it but to me it is a sort of wonderland, to dream of when I am all by myself at night "

In Strathaivron the night was a gentle thing it came stealing over the landscape as soft as sleep; it brought silence with it and a weight to tired eyes; it bade the woods be still; and to the lonely and darkened peaks of the hills it unveiled its canopy of trembling stars.

"You say you like the music," he continued, here in the twilight of the wings, "and the little story is really rather pretty and idyllic; but they will go and introduce a lot of music-hall stuff to please the groundlings. I should prefer you not to see it. Won't you rather wait a little, and talk about something? it isn't often you and I meet. Did you get many salmon after I left Strathaivron?"

Miss Honnor," he said, "if I had known you looked on it in that light, I should have sung for you constantly, whether you asked or not." "Well, it's all over now," said she, "and I hope you are taking away with you a pleasant memory of Strathaivron."

But here there was no night there was yellow fire, there were black phantoms unceasingly hurrying hither and thither, and a dull and constant roar more continuous than that of any sea. Tottenham Court Road after Strathaivron! But here at least was actuality; the time for sentimental sorrows, for dumb and hopeless regrets, was over and gone.