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Pondering these and similar matters in my mind, I, on the day of which I speak, stood gazing at the river, and at the town under the hill, as I listened to the bells. Rearing themselves aloft like the organ pipes in my favourite Polish-Roman Catholic church, the steeples of the town had their crosses dimly sparkling as though the latter had been stars imprisoned in a murky sky.

It was the tolling of the bells in a million belfry towers and steeples, summoning the people to sleep no more, to sin no more, but to gather in their churches and pray. And overhead, growing larger and brighter, as the earth rolled on its way and the night passed, rose the dazzling star.

Stoute, after the pilot had assured him that the steeples seen in the interior of the island were those of Middleburg. "Though the sea is as diligently watched as the advance-guard of an invading army, the great dike of West Kappel broke through, and a large part of the island was under water.

The day was almost spent when, from a slight hill, they came in sight of San Antonio, the setting sun gilding the tops of the church steeples, and making the sluggish river appear like a stream of gold. "No white mustang yet," said Dan. "I reckon we might as well give up the chase and go right into the city." "Not yet!" cried Poke Stover, pointing with his hand to the northwestward.

It is no wonder then, that after the revolution against Diaz, in many places, as soon as the peons were told they were free, their first act was to climb up the church steeples and smash the bells. After that, they rushed inside the churches and destroyed the statues and paintings of the saints.

Marshal Oudinot was not as strong as his opponent and should have temporised, but the habit of advancing, the sight of the steeples of Berlin and the fear of not living up to the confidence Napoleon reposed in him, led him to push forward Bertrand's corps, which was repulsed, a setback which did not prevent Oudinot from persisting in his aim of taking Berlin.

Her life was very dreary, and it seemed to her as if the last hope which had sustained her against an unnatural despair had been taken away from her to-night. Twelve o'clock sounded with a feeble little carillon from one of the steeples, and still she sat with her head resting upon her folded arms.

At the very next door to our own, Monsieur, Madame, et Bebe proclaimed, by the casting of their dusty shoes, that they also, like the rest of the world, had come to Caen to see the horses run. Caen seated in its plain, wearing its crown of steeples this was our last glimpse of the beautiful city.

The coachman, who seemed little inclined for conversation, having barely acknowledged my remarks, I was obliged, in default of other society, to fall back on my own, and to attempt to recapture the vision of my steeples.

When the current strengthened, bloomed the pale-faced stranger, Took no drink nor victual, yet grew fat and rosy, And from time to time, in sharp articulation, Said, "All right! From the lonely station passed the utterance, spreading Through the pines and hemlocks to the groves of steeples Till the land was filled with loud reverberations Of "All right!