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As he ascended the marble staircase which led from the great hall toward the private apartments he was still thinking of the steeplejack, the man who somehow seemed now to be an emblem of himself.

"If I don't get more evidence offen somebody else than I do from you, I'll go home empty-handed!" "Let me help you," and Hanlon spoke kindly; "I'll hunt evidence with you." "Some day, maybe. I've got to-day all dated up. And, say, why did you tell me you wasn't a steeplejack painter, when you are?" "You're right, I am.

"I have come, sir," he said, "to submit to your Majesty, before the matter goes further, a certain difficulty which has arisen in connection with your Majesty's gracious donation to the widow of the unfortunate workman who " He paused. "You mean the steeplejack?" queried the King. The Comptroller-General bowed assent. "Your Majesty ordered inquiry to be made." "I did.

On the other hand, there was scarcely a man whose manner did not denote a certain tolerance, not unmixed with contempt, as though, indeed, they were willing to accept the fact that he was of their acquaintance, but desired at the same time to emphasize the fact that he was outside the freemasonry of their class a freak, whom they acknowledged on sufferance, as they might have done a wonderful lion-tamer, or a music-hall singer, or a steeplejack.

A crowd is spellbound in watching a steeplejack at work, or an aviator doing a "loop-the-loop," or an acrobat swinging from one bar to another above the sawdust ring, or the "leap of death" of the movies; and here we were in the presence of a multitude who were running a far greater risk in an untried effort, with their inspiration not a breathless audience but duty. For none wanted to die.