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Wood, tobacco, meat, flour, beans, molasses, onions and a villainous kind of whisky made from sorghum, were the staple articles of trade.

This was a serious matter, for in a region where coffee and tea are almost unknown luxuries, and the evening meal consists of such thirst-provoking articles as broiled venison, corn-dodgers, and sorghum, one is apt to feel the need of some liquid milder than "apple-jack," and more toothsome than water, wherewith to wet one's whistle.

The earth cooled by the rain last night sets all to transplanting dura or sorghum; they cut the leaves till only about eighteen inches of them are left, but it grows all the better for the change of place. Mohamad believes that Tanganyika flows through Rusizi to Lohindé.

On the 17th I received by telegraph from President Lincoln this dispatch: WASHINGTON, D.C., September 17, 1864 Major-General SHERMAN: I feel great interest in the subjects of your dispatch, mentioning corn and sorghum, and the contemplated visit to you. A. LINCOLN, President of the United States.

On the 15th of September I telegraphed to General Halleck as follows: My report is done, and will be forwarded as soon as I get in a few more of the subordinate reports. I am awaiting a courier from General Grant. All well; the troops are in good, healthy camps, and supplies are coming forward finely. Governor Brown has disbanded his militia, to gather the corn and sorghum of the State.

You stay right along here a day or so tell to-morrer or nex' day, anyhow an' I'll sen' you a whole bale o' cotton an' you can sen' back any change you see fit or none or none, I say. Or, ef you'd ruther take it out in pertaters an' corn an' sorghum, thess say so, an' how much of each. But what? "It wouldn't be right? Th' ain't no use," you say? An' you'll shore come back to-morrer? Well.

They became skilled agriculturists, raising in some localities a profusion of cereals, fruit, and vegetables such as manioc, maize, yams, sweet potatoes, ground nuts, sorghum, gourds, beans, peas, bananas, and plantains. Everywhere they showed skill in mining and the welding of iron, copper, and other metals.

As it is expensive compared with some cheaper foods, however, the people put 4,500,000 acres to a sort of sorghum not the sorghum cultivated for syrup or sugar but for the seed to be used as a grain food and also grow 4,000,000 acres of millet the seed of which are used as a grain food." "Then we grow 2,000,000 acres in cotton, but cotton in India is grown only on black soils.

In addition to this, it secured the gold medal for the best corn in the world, as well as the highest awards for red winter wheat flour, sorghum sugar and apples. Indeed, Kansas soil produces almost anything to perfection, and the State, thanks largely to works of irrigation in the extreme western section, is producing larger quantities of indispensable agricultural products every year.

The stars were few and faint. The air was chill. She started to her feet; her garments were heavy with dew. The fire beneath the sorghum kettle had died to a coal, flaring or fading as the faint fluctuations of the wind might will. Near it Pete slumbered where he too had sat down to rest. And Job Job had never returned.