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"Depend upon it you'll get the itch, or some other disease; the blessing of the Lord'll never rest upon it," said the Boer-woman. Then suddenly she broke forth. "And she eighty-two, and goats, and rams, and eight thousand morgen, and the rams real angora, and two thousand sheep, and a short-horn bull," said Tant Sannie, standing upright and planting a hand on each hip.

"He's got a wall eye," said McKinney, "and I never seen a wall eye in a man, woman, or mustang, that it didn't mean bad. This here bird ain't no Hereford, nor yet a short-horn. He's a dogy that ain't bred right, and he ain't due to act right." All Curly could do was to shake his head, unpersuaded. Meantime, there went on in the little cabin across the arroyo, a reproduction of an old, old drama.

You'd freeze your feet at twenty-five below if you wet them and tried to keep on. "Dave Walsh was a bull for strength. And yet he was soft and easy-natured. Anybody could do him, the latest short-horn in camp could lie his last dollar out of him. 'But it doesn't worry me, he had a way of laughing off his softness; 'it doesn't keep me awake nights. Now don't get the idea that he had no backbone.

You've got to, because I need another puncher with my short-horn herd over by Red Top." The thought that he was to be stationed close to the town that might hold secrets of the greatest importance to himself so excited Bob that his hands trembled as he seized the saddle.

A'm t'ink mebbe-so two better'n wan." "Well, I was weaned right young, an' I don't need no governess. After this you " The half-breed shrugged: "A'm tink dat tam way back in Las Vegas dat dam' good t'ing ol' Bat fol' 'long, or else, ba Goss, you gon' to hell for sure." "But that's no sign I've always got to be close-herded. Did you sneak up near enough to hear what the short-horn said?"