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Farwell had taken sketches down Honora's lane, for she was on what was known as his list of advisers: a sheepfold of ewes, some one had called it, and he was always piqued when one of them went astray. In addition to this, intuition told him that he had taken the name of a deity in vain and that deity was Chiltern.

The new year was ushered in by heavy and incessant rains, and, having imprudently insisted upon superintending the drainage of a new sheepfold and the erection of an additional cattle-shed, Miss Jane had taken a severe cold, which resulted in pneumonia.

Gabriel's father and mother, who from the cottage window had watched all this in silent amazement, looked at each other, too bewildered to speak. Then they went out together to the sheepfold, and peasant Viaud, who began to realize that this, too, must be part of King Louis's orders, explained to his wife that which the messenger had told him.

Proofs, however, were too strong. Ready-Money Jack told his story in a straight-forward, independent way, nothing daunted by the presence in which he found himself. He had suffered from various depredations on his sheepfold and poultry-yard, and had at length kept watch, and caught the delinquent in the very act of making off with a sheep on his shoulders.

To-morrow morning early I will see you, behind the little sheepfold. It is not safe to talk here." "Where is the Senorita?" Alessandro breathed rather than said. "In her room," answered Felipe. "Well?" said Alessandro. "Yes," said Felipe, hoping he was not lying; and this was all Alessandro had to comfort himself with, through his long night of watching.

Louis XVI built vast commons and outbuildings, all with some architectural pretence, to house the appanage of the royal hunt, and also built the Laiterie de la Reine and the model farm where, in 1786, he established the first national sheepfold.

It could not be otherwise. I am as much out of place here as a wolf in a sheepfold. As to the droving, I shall not mention to all I meet that I am brother to one of the bailies of Glasgow. I shall like the life. The rough pony I shall ride will differ in his paces from my old charger, but at least it will be life in the saddle.

But the end of ecclesiastical power, yea, the end as well of the ministry itself as of the godly minister, is, that the kingdom of Christ may be set forward; that the paths of the Lord be made straight; that his holy mysteries may be kept pure; that stumblingblocks may be removed out of the church, lest a little leaven leaven the whole lump, or lest one sick or scabbed sheep infect the whole flock; that the faithful may so walk as it becometh the gospel of Christ, and that the wandering sheep of Christ may be converted and brought back to the sheepfold.

"Yes," he said, more tolerantly than he had ever spoken to Tenney. "I think I did." Was it his imagination that Tenney looked disappointed? "Last night?" the man insisted. "Did you find it last night? Through me?" "No," said Raven. "I didn't find it through you." Tenney was ingenuously taken aback. "There is one way," he said, "into the sheepfold only one."

And then he began to pace his rounds, leaving the cake of bread and the flagon of posset by the gate of the sheepfold. Not long had he been thus engaged when the heavy dew made him feel cold, and he took a good drink of the posset.