United States or Vanuatu ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

The celebration this year the posters and circulars declared was to be the biggest and best that Prescott had ever offered. In proof of the bold assertion, the program promised, in addition to the usual events, an automobile race. Shades of all those mighty heroes of the saddle, whose names may not be erased from the history of the great West, think of it!

In the shades of Hawarden and in the quiet of his study he kept up the industry that had characterized his whole life heretofore. It had been the custom for centuries for English statesmen, upon retiring from official life, to devote themselves to the classics. Mr.

They looked like pirates in the pictures of Howard Pyle or Maxfield Parrish; one or two of them were pirates, and one worse than a pirate; but most of them were hard-working, willing, and cheerful. They were white, or, rather, the olive of southern Europe, black, copper-colored, and of all intermediate shades.

A newly made road led into this rocky gorge, whose steep yellow and brown walls seemed scorched by the sun in many blackened spots, and looked like a ghostly array of shades that had risen from the tombs in the night and remained there.

I steered by the Southern Cross, for I was aware that the Berg ran north and south, and with that constellation on my left hand I was bound to reach it sooner or later. The bush closed around me with its mysterious dull green shades, and trees, which in the daytime were thin scrub, now loomed like tall timber.

After that they stopped at a carpet and curtain place, where Cannie was much diverted at hearing the proprietor recommend tassels instead of plated rings on certain Holland shades, for the reason that "a tossel had more poetry about it somehow." Then, after a brief pause to order strawberries and fresh lettuce, the carriage was ordered to a milliner's.

They knew no fine political shades, they bandied no epithets; England was at war and they were going to fight that was enough. And the spirit in which they fought all the world knows: every day during the war one read tales of devotion and heroism that became almost commonplace; it is even a commonplace to praise them.

I was especially struck by the physical strength and beauty which they displayed, by their great superiority in these respects over the inhabitants of the neighbouring bay of Nukuheva, and by the singular contrasts they presented among themselves in their various shades of complexion. In beauty of form they surpassed anything I had ever seen.

They were wonderful beads blue, all shades of blue, and sparkling red beads, and beads of shining green, and white beads as clear as dew-drops.

She looked up at him piteously, and with unconscious instinct tried to pull together her torn blouse. In a flash he saw what she thought, and one of those strange shades in his character made him come to a resolve. Not until she should lie willingly in his arms herself given by love should he tell her her belief was false. He advanced up the room with a grave quiet face.