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General Philemon Ward gave up school-teaching and went back to his law office; but he was apt to take sides with President Andrew Johnson too vigorously for his own good, and clients often avoided his office in fear of an argument. Still he was cheerful, and being only in his early thirties, looked at the green hills afar from his pasture and was happy.

Simpkins has just been telling me that you were in jail for horse-stealing," said Nancy. "She is much pleased to find it all a mistake." Walter laughed. "I am still more pleased," he remarked. "I find school-teaching much pleasanter." "I guess I must be goin'," said Mrs. Simpkins, hurriedly. When Doctor Mack returned he welcomed Walter with a joy not inferior to that of his housekeeper.

If you don't take this money back and go ahead with your school-teaching as if nothing had happened, I'll burn that schoolhouse to the last chip in the yard. And this money I'll take and throw down that crevice under the Tooth, up there. The money won't do nobody any good, and the schoolhouse won't be nothing at all but a black spot. You can suit yourself it's up to you."

"Don't you have work enough to do at home?" he inquired, with the same air of quizzical superiority which had always annoyed her so intensely, even as a little child. She would cut short this form of discussion: "I am going away to earn my living. I have given up school-teaching I don't like it, and, there isn't money enough in it. I have plans which will speak for themselves later."

It was even more to her than is the art-school to the yearner who has always believed that she has a talent for painting; for the yearner has, even as a child, been able to draw and daub and revel in the results; while for Una this was the first time in her life when her labor seemed to count for something. Her school-teaching had been a mere time-filler.

She seemed glad of his being there, but helpless against the instincts or traditions that forbade her to show her pleasure in his presence. Her reticence became almost snubbing in its strictness when he asked her about her school-teaching in the winter; but he found that she taught at the little school-house at the foot of the hill, and lived at home with her father.

I have alluded to the differences between him and my mother on the subject of education, the inutility of which, beyond a common-school standard, he made an article of faith, and the return to the workshop for the balance of the vacation, after my school-teaching failure, was the occasion of the final battle.

I inquired into the question of day's wages, I looked about among the college students who were working their way to an education, and I found an ideal protector, an intelligent and very agreeable young man, brought up on a farm, and just graduated, who was studying up mathematics preparatory to school-teaching in the fall.

If any thing in this life must be personal, peculiar, and specific, it is education: we take upon ourselves to speak thus dogmatically, not of mere school-teaching only, musa, musæ, and so forth; nor yet of lectures, on relative qualities of carbon and nitrogen in vegetables; no, nor even of schemes of theology, or codes of morals; but we do speak of the daily and hourly reining-in, or letting-out, of discouragement in one appetite, and encouragement in another; of habitual formation of characters in their diversity; and of shaping their bear's-cub, or that child-angel, the natural human mind, to its destined ends; that it may turn out, for good, according to its several natures, to be either the strong-armed, bold-eyed, rough-hewer of God's grand designs, or the delicate-fingered polisher of His rarest sculptures.

School-teaching!" "Not at all," returned General Trednoke. "She entered a dry-goods store." "Entered a dry-goods store! Well, there's nothing so extraordinary in that. I've seen quantities of women do it, of all ages, colors, and degrees. What did she buy there?" "Oh, a fiddlestick!" exclaimed the general. "Why don't you keep quiet and listen to my story?