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There was Snippy Brown, a poor old harmless nigger, trying to earn an honest living by selling a surreptitious bottle from a hole in the ground to a thirsting neighbor in the dead of night. Plainly Snippy Brown was fairly crying to be raided. Matters raided him. And he got a couple of hundred of bottles on ice. "'Served him right, I said, in a Sabbatical voice. "'To be sure it did.

Her son said that everything was going well with 'Every Other Week', and both himself and Mr. Fulkerson thought his father ought to spend the winter in Italy, and get a thorough rest. "Make a job of it, March," Fulkerson wrote, "and have a Sabbatical year while you're at it. You may not get another." "Well, I can tell them," said Mrs. March indignantly, "we shall not do anything of the kind."

However, he went obediently to the gilt-and-brocade room in which his mother and his sister and his sister-in-law had helplessly withdrawn, according to their Sabbatical custom. Edith sat in a corner, tapping her feet together and looking at them; Sibyl sat in the center of the room, examining a brooch which she had detached from her throat; and Mrs.

Manisty watched her as she turned into the garden. The shadows of the ilex-avenue chequered her straw bonnet, her prim black cape, her white skirt. There had been no meddling of freakish hands with her dark hair this morning. It was tightly plaited at the back of her head. Her plain sun-shade, her black kid gloves were neatness itself middle-class, sabbatical neatness.

At about the same time, honorary mention for freshmen was also instituted. On June 30, 1906, Miss Hazard sailed for Genoa, to take a well-earned vacation. This was the first time that a president of Wellesley had taken a Sabbatical year; the first time that any presidential term had extended beyond six years.

"It would be our Silver Wedding Journey just as it would be my Sabbatical year a good deal after date. But I suppose that would make it all the more silvery." She faltered in her elation. "Didn't you say a Sabbatical year yourself?" she demanded. "Fulkerson said it; but it was a figurative expression." "And I suppose the Silver Wedding Journey was a figurative expression too!"

Hopkins's words, "They looked like picters, and behaved like angels." That evening, Sunday evening as it was, there was a quiet meeting of some few friends at The Poplars. It was such a great occasion that the Sabbatical rules, never strict about Sunday evening, which was, strictly speaking, secular time, were relaxed. Father Pemberton was there, and Master Byles Gridley, of course, and the Rev.

Talk of them the people must and did, of the stopping of the courts, the breaking of the jails, of Squire Woodbridge and Perez Hamlin, of the news from the other counties, and of what would next take place, but it was amusing to see the ingenious manner by which the speakers contrived to compound with their consciences and prevent scandal by giving a pious twist and a Sabbatical intonation to their sentences.

I wish you wouldn't for your own sake; although every number that hasn't got you in it is a back number for me." "That's very nice of you, Fulkerson," said the editor. "I suppose you realize that it's nine years since we took 'Every Other Week' from Dryfoos?" "Well, that makes it all the more Sabbatical," said Fulkerson.

"It would be our Silver Wedding Journey just as it would be my Sabbatical year a good deal after date. But I suppose that would make it all the more silvery." She faltered in her elation. "Didn't you say a Sabbatical year yourself?" she demanded. "Fulkerson said it; but it was a figurative expression." "And I suppose the Silver Wedding Journey was a figurative expression too!"