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Updated: August 10, 2024

"O! my sweet familiarity! you knows I knows it! But yo' sof' eyes is shot me th'oo to that estent that I don't know what I does know! I jess sets here in the emba'ssment o' my complacency a won'de'n' what you takes me faw!" "How does you know I's tuck you at all yit; is I said so, Mr. Saampson? Don't you tetch me, seh! right here in full sight o' de house! You's too late, seh! too late!

It in the sacred scripters, which I hope that, like myseff, fum a chile thou hass known them, ain't you? Yass, well, thass right. I loves to see a young lady pious. I'm pious myseff. Ef I wan't a legislater I'd be a preacher. Now, you ass me the same riddle what Delijah ass Saampson. An' you know how he anseh her? He assed a riddle to her.

"Yass, I is. Dass my answeh come ag'in." "Is dat all de respondence my Delijah got faw her Saampson?" "Mr. Leggett, I ain't yo' Delijah! Thass fix! I ain't read the scripters in relations to dat young lady faw nuthin! Whetheh you my Saampson remain" the smile and tone grew bewitching "faw me to know an faw you to fine out." "Shell I come soon?" murmured Mr.

"Teck it off, seh; I ain't aansw'ed you yit." The arm fell away, but his whispering lips came close. "Ain't I yo' Saampson, dearess o' the dear? Ain't you the Delijah o' my haht? Answeh me, my julepina, an' O, I'll reply you the secret o' my poweh aw any otheh question in the wide, wide worl'!" "Mr.

An' likewise this my sweet riddle to you: Is I the Saampson o' yo' hope an' dream an' will you be my Deli Aw! now, don't whisk away like that an' gag yo'seff with yo' handkercher! I's a lawful widoweh, dearess." The maiden quenched her mirth and put on great dignity. "Mr. Leggett, will you please to teck yo' ahm fum roun' my wais'?" She glanced back with much whiteness of eyes.

"Why it was but last year a surjin came to me with one Jackson, a tailor, and said, 'Just sign a certificate for this man: his wife's mad. 'Let me see her, sid I. 'What for, sis he, 'when her own husband applies. 'Excuse me, sis I, 'I'm not a bat, I'm Saampson. I went to see her; she was nairvous and excited. 'Oh, I know what you come about, said she.

"My accident, seh. Mr. Leggett, hoccum you got all dat poweh?" "Ah!" said the smiling gallant, "you wants to know the secret o' my poweh, do you? Well, that interjuce the ezacly question I'm jess a-honin' to ass you. You ass me the secret o' my poweh. Don't you know thass the ve'y thing what Delijah ass Saampson?" "Yass, seh. I knows. Dass in de Bible, ain't it?" "It is.

Saampson's in the secret; I daunt say sh' approves it; for she doesn't. She says, 'Go quietly to the Board o' Commissioners. Sis I, 'My dear, Boards are a sort of cattle that go too slow for Saampson, and no match at all for the Mad Ox." At this conjuncture, or soon after, Mrs. Dodd came in with her paper in her hand, a little flurried for once, and after a hasty curtsey, said

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