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Updated: August 25, 2024

What did amaze him was the breaking of the rope a rope so large that one would have supposed it capable of sustaining the weight of ten men like the baron. As he could not, by reason of the darkness, see the ruptured place, Bavois felt it with his finger; and, to his inexpressible astonishment, he found it smooth.

We lack a method of foretelling which turn they will take; developments may be calmly awaited, with the assurance that ample warning will precede the birth. A slight mucous discharge from the vagina is frequently seen toward the end of pregnancy and may be disregarded, but a gush of watery fluid always means that the sac which contains the fetus has ruptured.

The slough of the tertiary larva fits even more closely to the inner surface of the pseudochrysalid sheath. The nymph alone does not adhere to its envelope. In the Cerocomæ and the Oil-beetles, each form of the hypermetamorphosis becomes detached from the preceding skin by a complete extraction; the contents are removed from the ruptured container and have no further connection with it.

When considerable tissue has been ruptured, and the condition is very painful, the foot is held off the ground as in all painful affections of the extremity. By palpation evidence of pain is discernible, though very little swelling occurs. Pain is increased by manual tension of the parts which is done by grasping the toe of the foot and exerting traction on the flexor apparatus.

The slightest motion might have ruptured the thin skin keel. On he was borne through the dark, the first American in history to travel by a submarine. At the end of what seemed ages it could not have been more than two hours after a deal of bouncing to the rising storm with no sound but the whistling of wind and rush of mountain seas, the keel suddenly grated pebbles.

Photo by Thos. Native stock owners of some parts of Canada know this condition as "fish knees" because of the presence of the ruptured end of the extensor tendon which is found coiled in the cavity of the enlargements caused by the ruptured tendon. Local practitioners have treated the condition by incising the swollen mass and removing the part of tendon contained within such cavities.

Difficult as it now becomes to keep any sequence in the operations when, at best, chronology ceases to be illuminative of phases, it is well here to explain that the attack of July 15th had not gained the whole Ridge on the front ahead of the broad stretch of ruptured first line.

The beavers had done their work, the barrier was bitten through and through, the salt water rushed like a river through the ruptured dyke. A few moments later, and a Zeeland barge, freighted with provisions, floated triumphantly into the waters beyond, now no longer an inland sea. The deed was done the victory achieved.

Crewe, "I knew that if you took the case, you'd fight it through, and I want to get even with 'em. Their claim agent had the impudence to suggest that the horse had been doctored by the dealer in New York. To tell me that I, who have been buying horses all my life, was fooled. The veterinary swears the animal is ruptured.

The pericardium was intact in at least half of the cases, and in 22 in which the precise seat of lesion was noticed the right ventricle was ruptured in eight, the left in three, the left auricle in seven, the right in four. The longest period during which any patient survived the injury was fourteen hours.

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