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Ahead lay more or less mystery. As the rain began to drum upon the roofs of the two cars, harder and harder and faster and faster, Tom got out the road map and tried to figure out their location. Ridgeton was ahead somewhere not nearer than six miles, he was sure. And the map showed no gas sign this side of Ridgeton.

By the way, my name is Peterby Paul, and I'm well and fav'rably knowed about this mounting. I did have my thoughts about you, same as that Whosis, I must say. But you 'pear to be all right. Wait, and I'll bring ye down a couple of cans of gasoline, and you can go on and pick up the feller that's started to walk to Ridgeton." "But that poor creature I followed up here, Mr. Paul? We must find her."

"Towards Ridgeton? Wal, he'll have a fine walk." "But we have not seen any gasoline sign for ever so far back on the road." "That's right. Ain't no reg'lar place. But I guess I might be able to scare up enough gas to help you folks out. Ye see, we got a saw mill right up this gully and we got a gasoline engine to run her. I'm a-watchin' the place till the gang come in to work next month.

"You say she ain't nothin' to you folks?" "But she is alone, and frightened." "Wal, I expect so. She did give me a start for fair. I don't know where she could have come from 'nless she belongs over toward Ridgeton at old Miz Abby Drake's. She's got some city folks stopping with her " "There she is!" cried Ruth, under her breath. A hobbling figure appeared for a moment on the side of the ravine.

Peterby Paul did have good reason for calling her a 'Whosis'." Mr. Peterby Paul appeared after a short time striding down the wooded hillside balancing a five-gallon gasoline can in either hand. "I reckon you can get to Ridgeton on this here," he said jovially. "Guess I'd better set up a sign down here so's other of you autermobile folks kin take heart if ye git stuck."

Of course there might be some wayside dwelling only a short distance ahead at which enough gasoline could be secured to drive the smaller car to Ridgeton for a proper supply for both machines. But if all the gasoline was drained from the tank of the big car into that of the roadster, the latter would be scarcely able to travel another mile.