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Updated: August 19, 2024

They worshipped, none confessing his folly; but it made them her slaves, and emulous to shine before her as though she had been a queen of tournay. "I dunno what's come over the boys," their father grumbled; "al'ays showing off an' jim-jeerin'. Regilar cocks on a dunghill. A few years agone I'd 've cured it wi' the strap; but now there's no remedy."

It's a regilar court, though we make it up ourselves, and app'ints our own judges and juries, and pass judgment 'cordin' to the case. Ef it's the first offence, or only a small one, we let's the fellow off with only a taste of the hickory. Ef it's a tough case, and an old sinner, we give him a belly-full.

meant that she stared with her eyes and mouth wide open, like other county galls that never see'd nothing before a regilar screetch owl in petticoats. And I suspicion, that Mr.

"Stratford-on-Avon, Stratford-on-Avon My true love she is false; I 'd rather not go to Stratford-on-Avon If I could go anywheres else." "But you promised to keep an eye on her." "'Enery 'ears from me regilar," said Sam evasively. "If you don't pay 'er no visits," Tilda insisted, "the more you write the more you must be tellin' lies; an' that's not fair to 'Enery."

There's some folk can sit i'th heawse an' send their childer to prow eawt a-beggin' in a mornin', regilar, but eawr childer wouldn't do it, an', iv they would, aw wouldn' let 'em, naw, not iv we were clemmin' to deeoth, to my thinkin'." The woman was quite right.

" Which when, the night before he started, he comes to me an' says that he an' Mary 'ave made a match of it, an' would I mind keepin' an eye on 'er an' writin' regilar to say 'ow she was gettin' on, it fair knocked me out." "You never told 'im?" "I didn' like to.

meant that she stared with her eyes and mouth wide open, like other county galls that never see'd nothing before a regilar screetch owl in petticoats. And I suspicion, that Mr.

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