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Having arms in their hands, with consciousness of force arising out of their exploits in Asia, the Cyreians were at the same time inflamed by the opportunity both of avenging a gross recent injury, and enriching themselves in the process of execution; to which we may add, the excitement of that rush whereby they had obtained re-entry, and the farther fact that, without the gates they had nothing to expect except poor, hard, uninviting service in Thrace.

A faint illumination came from the hall, so that we could just see each other. He lifted me off the chair. 'No! I protested, laughing. 'And my slipper.... The servants! 'Stuff! I was a trifle in those arms. The triumphal re-entry into the world has just begun, and exactly as Diaz foretold. And the life of the forest is over.

It will be many long years before the players of those enemy countries, who plunged the world into the horrible baptism of blood from which we have only just emerged, will ever be met by the players of the Allies. Personally, I trust I may not see their re-entry into the game. Not from the question of the individuals, but from the feeling which will not down.

Bosham then for every Englishman is a holy place only second to Glastonbury and Canterbury: it is a monument of our conversion, of the re-entry of England into Christendom, of that Easter of ours which saw us rise from the dead. A few ruins, mere heaps of stones, mark the site of the college to the north of the church.

Into which having thus made re-entry, he could not yield again to withdraw, though he saw no encouragement to proceed; lest his credit, foiled in his first attempt, in a second should utterly be disgraced.

Sylvia, already in full retreat towards the dining-room, caught this last geographic extravagance of Gallic fancy, and laughed, and with this mirth still in her face made her re-entry on the veranda. She had not been away three minutes from the group there, and she was to the eye as merely flushed and gay when she came back as when she went away; but a revolution had taken place.

I evaded the question by querying if he was always so quiet and good-tempered. "Oh dear, no. He is considered a particularly bad-tempered man. Not one of the snarling nasty tempers, but " Here the re-entry of the owner of the temper put a stop to this conversation. Harold gave O'Doolan rides on his back, going on all-fours.

"No," she replied, "it is all a mystery one which I beg of you, Walter, to solve, and" she faltered in a strange voice "and to save me!" He pressed her hand and gave her his promise. Then for a second she raised her full red lips to his, and together they passed back into the drawing-room, where their re-entry in company did not escape the sharp eyes of the lonely doctor of Pimlico.

On the next day the unruly mob began to plunder, and the citizens, repenting of their disloyalty, joined with Lord Scales in resisting their re-entry. After a sturdy fight, the Londoners held the position, and the Kentishmen, discouraged by their reverse, began to scatter.

"She was flirting with some men on the hotel porch when we drove by this morning. I reckon they were all cousins, too." Jeff looked up from his game with a gleam of anger in his eye. He lost track of the cards, got confused, played from the wrong hand, blocked himself from a re-entry and promptly got set.