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"But he'll r-r-run her nose under!" Even as they spoke, the black tarpaulin swooped from sight behind a big comber. The next wave rolled over the spot, and the next, but the boat did not reappear. The Alma rushed by the place. A little riffraff of oats and boxes was seen. An arm thrust up and a shaggy head broke surface a score of yards away. For a time there was silence.

They fight big battle yesterday at Lomagrande that about nineteen or fifty mile in the mountain. That government soldier wheep General De Vega oh, most bad. Five hundred nine hundred two thousand of his mans is kill. That revolution is smash suppress bust very quick. General De Vega, him r-r-run away fast on one big mule. Yes, carrambos! The general, him r-r-run away, and his armee is kill.

Let's settle that point so we won't ever think of it again." "G-g-good idea, Owen. You r-r-run the g-game to suit yourself," piped up the eager Toby. "Shall I repeat a form of assertion, Max, to which each one of us will subscribe?" asked Owen, with his customary readiness. "Certainly; and put it up to me first," replied his cousin. "Then here goes.

Oi tought maybe ye'd run off an' left me to rot down in the hole. Whut 's up now, ye freckled-face ilephant, yer?" Brown indulged in a cautious glance about, then stuck his almost boyish face farther down within the safety of the hole before venturing an explanation. "B-B-Bill's g-gone to find s-s-some engi-n-neer w-with nerve 'nough ter r-r-run our lines," he managed to spit out disjointedly.

Speed was a Merc'ry-footed wonder, and if the young feller can't run he had ought to have told us." Mr. Cloudy showed his understanding of the discussion by nodding silently. "We'll put it up to him in the morning," said Stover. "If Mr. Speed cannot r-r-run, w'at you do, eh?" questioned the Mexican. Nobody answered. Still Bill seemed at a loss for words, Mr.