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I have suspected for some time that something was wrong." "It nearly killed me. But now, thank heaven, I breathe freely once more. I have lost my dear husband, but I have escaped from that prison-house; and with his memory to keep me merciless, I am eager to wage war against those influences which are conspiring to fetter the free-born soul and stifle spontaneity.

Something boyish and innocent told that the shades of the prison-house had never wholly closed about him. It was good to lift the hat to Dr. Gillespie as he went along hat a little tip-tilted off the broadly-furrowed brow. In the city he is very likely to stop and regard the most various wares children's dolls or ladies' underpinnings. But think not that the divine is interested in such things.

Jack appears to inherit his quickness of apprehension; his questions, like those of an intelligent child, are absolutely inexhaustible; his curiosity about all things beyond this island, the prison-house of his existence, is perfectly intense; his countenance is very pleasing, mild, and not otherwise than thoughtful; he is, in common with the rest of them, a stupendous flatterer, and, like the rest of them, also seems devoid of physical and moral courage.

"Yes, ob, yes! but rather away, far away, in some quiet village, some green nook; for the desolate, ruined home was not safe for thine old age." "I would we could escape, Sibyll," said Adam, earnestly, in a whisper, and with a kind of innocent cunning in his eye, "we and the poor Eureka! This palace is a prison-house to me.

The next night, 24th July 1702, a sound disturbed the Inspector of Missions as he sat in his prison-house at Pont de Montvert: the voices of many men upraised in psalmody drew nearer and nearer through the town.

But this, dear reader, is merely one of the sad effects of those "shades of the prison-house" which come gradually betwixt us and nature with advancing years; it affords no weapon against the philosophy of names.

And in their height of mirth they sent to call Samson, to come and make sport for them all. And from the prison-house they brought him, and Between the pillars they set him to stand; And there he made them sport. Then to the lad That led him by the hand, thus Samson said; Let me now feel the pillars that sustain The house, that I myself thereon may lean.

Jan had the feeling that in some dreadful, inscrutable way her sister was shut away from her in some prison-house of the mind. And who shall break through those strange, intangible, impenetrable walls of unshared experience? Jan swallowed her tears and said cheerfully: "Well, it's all going to be different now. You needn't worry about anything any more.

At the same moment the two knights were assailed by sundry warriors, known and unknown, who, having no recollection of anything, joined blindly in defence of their prison-house. Among these was Orlando, at sight of whom Astolpho, with all his confidence not daring to encounter him, turned and fled, owing his escape to the strength and fleetness of Bayard.

How long, I wonder, will the fluttering soul, evidently plumed and eager for its flight, be held within the frail, worn-out prison-house? Its flight! but whither and to what? "Ay, there's the rub!" the riddle, which this poor wretch will probably solve before the wisest living philosopher could build a single conjecture towards it.