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Hilprecht reads Nin-a-gid-kha-du, but this can hardly be correct. The two ideas, 'water' and 'incantation, are correlated. The 'waters' meant are those used for purification purposes in connection with the magic formulas. De Sarzec, pl. 32, col. ii. 9-11. Records of the Past, N.S., i. 59. The publication in De Sarzec favors my readings.

As a rule four artists were employed, one beginning at each point of the cross. Each arm of the cross was completed by the artist who began the work. For illustration of painting see PL CXXI. The black cross-bars in the illustration denote pine logs; the white lines the froth of the water; the yellow, vegetable debris gathered by the logs; the blue and red lines, sunbeams.

In some of the lower crustaceans, the right anterior antenna of the male differs greatly in structure from the left, the latter resembling in its simple tapering joints the antennae of the female. See Sir J. Lubbock in 'Annals and Mag. of Nat. Hist. vol. xi. 1853, pl. i. and x.; and vol. xii. , pl. vii.

RYNCHANA GREYI. Richardson, Ichth. of Voy. of Erebus and Terror, p. 44 pl. 29. f. 1. 6. Native name, PINING or WAUNUGUR, not certain. Not known to the sealers. Pupil like that of the shark elliptical, with the long axis vertical. When the skin was removed the flesh was very fat, resembling that of the eel, had an unpleasant smell, and could not be eaten.

Those who travel the country in searching after and gathering plants, if they chance to meet with sour or ill-tasted ale, may amend it by putting an infusion of sea-wormwood into it, whereby it will be more agreeable to the palate, and less hurtful to the stomach. Threlkeld. Syn. Pl. Hibern. This is an ingredient in the common purl, the usual morning beverage of our hardy labouring men in London.

This combination of the front half of one figure with the hinder half of another so as to give in each case the extreme phase of extension of the legs I have made in Pl. I, fig. 12.

After the head-taking the body was set up two days under the dwelling of the dead man, and was then carried to the mountain side in the direction of Kambulo, the pueblo which killed the man. It was tied on a war shield and the whole tied to a pole which was borne by two men, as is shown in Pl.

Compare also Millingen, Ancient Coins of Cities and Kings, 1831, pp. 50-61, Pl. In vase pictures we have occasionally an attempt to represent water naturally. On each side of the ship are shapeless masses of rock on which the Sirens stand. One of the most beautiful of the figurative representations of the sea is the well-known type of Scylla.

We have to express our acknowledgments to Dr. Birch for permission to make use of this valuable collection. PERROT, GUILLAUME ET DELBET, Exploration archéologique de la Galatie, vol. ii. pl. 32. Exploration archéologique, vol. ii. pl. 11. LAYARD, Discoveries, p. 508. PLACE, Ninive, vol. ii. pp. 68-70.

Inhab. Western Australia. Having only a single specimen completely covered with spines, it is impossible to describe the form of the ambulacra or the disposition of the tubercles. The lower figures represent the mouth and vent of the animal in detail. DESCRIPTION OF SOME NEW AUSTRALIAN LEPIDOPTEROUS INSECTS BY EDWARD DOUBLEDAY, ESQ., F.L.S., etc. THYRIDOPTERYX NIGRESCENS, pl. 5. f. 1.