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Updated: August 18, 2024

Of those who go in head foremost but throw the body out of the line and away from the baseman, are Ewing, Glasscock, Pfeffer, Dalrymple and some others. An expert base-runner will confine himself to no particular style, but, being familiar with all, will use, in each instance, the one best suited.

O'Reilly has them equally prepared and ready. Pfeffer reports thirty thousand men in Canada, eager for the call. They are so stationed that we can throw one hundred and fifty thousand men on Windsor and Toronto or such other points as are within one half day's ordinary travel. For Montreal we would need eighteen hours' additional notice. For Quebec we would need thirty.

She and her friends could not get across Simpson Strait, while the white men kept on over the rotten ice, probably at last compelled to take to their boat, and then, at the mercy of the wind and ice, after losing others of their number near Pfeffer River and Todd Islands, had drifted into the inlet where the dead bodies were found with the boat.

Pfeffer, of Chicago, plays this point better than any one, I think, and in all respects in handling a thrown ball, he is unexcelled. To catch a runner attempting to steal from first, most second basemen prefer to receive the ball a few feet to the side of the base nearest first and in front of the line.

"Fifty-eight; and we started out early this morning with a full company," returned Pfeffer, with no little bitterness in his tones. "You will march your men in single file along this bank, and deposit your arms of all kinds on the ground," said Lieutenant Lyon.

Ach, himmel! we have der pfeffer forgotten." The work of clam digging began at once, the little boys taking off their shoes and stockings. At first August refused to be comforted, and it was not until his father drove him into the water with his gold-headed cane that he consented to join the others. What a day that was for McTeague! What a never-to-be-forgotten day! He was with Trina constantly.

To state precisely the other relations, we must admit, in addition, the experimental laws discovered by Pfeffer. But without any hypothesis it becomes possible to demonstrate the laws of Raoult on the lowering of the vapour-tension and of the freezing point of solutions, and also the ratio which connects the heat of fusion with this decrease.

He presented himself to the lieutenant, and saluted. "I am Sergeant Pfeffer, and we desire to surrender, for we can do nothing more," said he. "Where are all your commissioned officers?" asked Deck. "They are all killed or badly wounded," answered the sergeant. "How many men have you now?"

On the evening of the 4th of June we met a young man, named Adlekok, who, during the previous summer, had found a new cairn erected by white men near Pfeffer River, which had never been seen by any other Inuits. Near by were three graves and a tent place in which he found a pair of wire-gauze snow-goggles, which we bought from him.

If now we state, in conformity with the laws of Pfeffer, that the product of the osmotic pressure by the volume of the solution is equal to the absolute temperature multiplied by a coefficient, and then look for the numerical figure of this latter in a solution of sugar, for instance, we find that this value is the same as that of the analogous coefficient of the characteristic equation of a perfect gas.

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