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In its stead the criminologists wish to substitute the simple segregation of individuals who are not fitted for social life on account of pathological conditions, congenital or acquired, permanent or transitory.

'Poor A! said B.: 'his vanity has ceased to offend me I feel it is pathological. 'Poor B! said A.: 'it is impossible to resent his egotism it is simply pathological. "This scientific Christianity wouldn't be so bad if people didn't condone their own faults, too. They can't get up early it's heredity. The early bird who caught the worm must have had a grandparent who stayed out late.

He would save the world from itself, rescue it from the morass of materialism, but he relapses into a pathological mysticism which ends in a sanitarium for nervous troubles. The marquis is a Mephisto; he is not without a trace of idealism; altogether a baffling nature, Faust-like, and as chock-full of humour as an egg is full of meat. He goes to smash. His plans are checkmated.

This permits the sclera to show through a very little at this part. In some eyes in which there is a beginning sclero-chorioiditis posterior, the condition is very similar to that presented by the glaucomatous ring. Field of Vision. The two pathological processes that operate to destroy the function of the retina suffice to produce scotomata in the field of vision of varying shapes.

These phases of the sexual organization normally will pass over smoothly and will only be recognizable by slight indications. Only in pathological cases do they become active and discernible to coarse observation. Organizations of the sexual life in which the genital zones have not yet assumed the dominating rôle we would call the pregenital phase.

These facts and deductions have given rise to the present day circulatory theory of intra-ocular pressure, so we now can approach the predisposing and exciting factors which determine glaucoma. The central fact to be borne in mind is, if the physiological pressure is vascular in origin and nature, the pathological pressure must likewise be derived from the same source.

Just as the inhabitants of a Welsh village have their general belief in religion strengthened by the semi-hysterical speeches of an Evan Roberts, and the convulsive capers of a whole congregation, so in all ages people have found endorsement of their belief in a supernatural world in the existence of cases the pathological nature of which admits of no doubt.

We have been studying the misinterpretation, in terms of religion, of abnormal or pathological states of mind, and observing how far these have contributed to building up and perpetuating a conviction of the possibility of supernatural intercourse. We have yet to trace the same principle of misinterpretation in the sexual and social life of mankind. Primitive Culture, i. p. 501.

We repress a forbidden desire; if we are successful and really overcome the desire by setting up new desires or in some other way, the inhibited desire is not locked up in a subterranean limbo. There is nothing pathological about inhibition, for inhibition is as normal a part of character as desire, and the social instinct which bids us inhibit is as fundamental as the sex instinct.

Envy a pathological manifestation of destructive aggressiveness is distinct from jealousy. The New Oxford Dictionary of English defines envy as: "A feeling of discontented or resentful longing aroused by someone else's possessions, qualities, or luck ... Mortification and ill-will occasioned by the contemplation of another's superior advantages".