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It was not simply from the standpoint of my own ignorance that Paterson's store of knowledge assumed such vast proportions, for it was seldom opened except in the presence of Mr. Pulitzer, in whom were combined a tenacious memory, a profound acquaintance with the subjects which Paterson had taken for his province, an analytic mind, and a zest for contradiction.

My Lords, I stated to you that Mr. Commissioner Paterson was sent into that country. I stated that he was sent into it with all the authority of government, with power to hear, and not only to hear and to report, but to redress, the grievances which he should find in the country. In short, there was nothing wanting to his power but an honest support.

It will save the trouble of getting Carter Paterson or some one else to call here for it. And that reminds me: one of the things I wanted to say to you was this: you were asking Bally if he had any old clothes to spare you for your Belgian women's husbands. Well, Kitty has found a few, but there are a whole heap of Sidney's things you can have if you want them.

During King's administration there was an open revolt of the convicts. They assembled at a place called Castle Hill, about 20 miles from Sydney, to fight a "battle for liberty." Here is the report of the officer who suppressed the rebellion: "Major Johnston to Lieutenant-Colonel Paterson. "HEADQUARTERS, SYDNEY, "9th March, 1804.

If Paterson had known this fact, no human consideration would have induced him, or any other man of common prudence, to undertake an inquiry into the conduct of Debi Sing. Pity, my Lords, the condition of an honest servant in Bengal. But Paterson was ignorant of this dark transaction, and went simply to perform a duty.

Ingram, and it is a rich man you are at last." "Mrs. Paterson said she had told you," Ingram said with a shrug. "You never expected to find me rich, did you?" "Never," said Mackenzie frankly. "But it is a ferry good thing oh yes, it is a ferry good thing to hef money and be independent of people. And you will make a good use of it, I know."

Miss Paterson requested leave to remain with them as a friend for a few days longer, and as she was deservedly a favourite, her request was acceded to. "Thank heaven, that is over!" said Mr Campbell, after all the household had been dismissed. "It is quite a relief to my mind." "Here's a letter from Alfred, uncle," said Emma Percival, entering the room.

One cannot very well ferret for details of a stranger's business." "That's the genteel view, I know," he said, smiling. "There's something to be said for it, too." "You will come in and finish your story?" I ventured. "Well, I did think of looking in some time...." "After dinner to-night?" "Much obliged. It passes the time." We went out and climbed into the Paterson express.

Paterson, on the other hand, firmly believed himself to have discovered the means of making any state which would follow his counsel great and prosperous in a time which, when compared with the life of an individual, could hardly be called long, and which, in the life of a nation, was but as a moment. There is not the least reason to believe that he was dishonest.

They went into another room, and then Sheila, with a sudden shiver, remembered that soon her husband would be coming, and might meet her and her father there. "You have sent for Mr. Lavender?" she said calmly to Mrs. Paterson. "No, ma'am," Paterson said with more than her ordinary gravity and formality: "I did not know where to send for him. He left London some days ago.