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Updated: August 18, 2024

The editor of the "Bugle-Horn of Liberty" here arose and said: "I do not wish to interrupt the gentleman, but a impertant despatch has just bin received at the telegraph office here. I will read it. That, said I, is cheering. That's soothing. Gen. PATTERSON'S in Philadelphia. But my heart bleeds partic'ly for Washington. My wife says so too. There's money enough. Goes well.

"Then you don't think of leaving to-morrow morning?" asked Count Bunker, who was watching him with a complacent air. "Mein Gott, no fears!" "We had better wait, perhaps, till the afternoon?" "I go not for tree veeks! Gaben sie das ist, gim'me zat tombler. Vun more of mountain juice to ze health of all Galloshes! Partic'ly of vun! Eh, old Bonker?"

A brief glance showed me that the assemblage was summut mixed. There was a great many ragged boys, and there was quite a number of grown-up persons evigently under the affluence of the intoxicatin bole. The Band was also drunk. Dr. Schwazey, who was holdin up a post, seemed to be partic'ly drunk so much so that it had got into his spectacles, which were staggerin wildly over his nose.

"This afternoon a gen'leman comes arfter rooms, and I sent him to the orfice; one of the clurks, 'e goes round with 'im an' shows 'im the empties, an' the gen'leman's partic'ly struck on the set the coppers is up in now. So he sends the clurk to fetch the manager, as there was one or two things he wished to speak about; an' when they come back, blowed if the gent isn't gone!

Samuel he was baptized and Samuel he continued to be, 'till he married the Widder Bixby from Waterboro. Bein' as how there wa'n't nothin' partic'ly attractive 'bout him, though he was as nice a feller as ever lived, somebody asked her why she married him, an' she said her cat hed jest died an' she wanted a companion. The boys never let go o' that story!

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