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*Notably the authors of the Okagami and the Nihon Gwaishi. That the two events synchronized is attributable wholly to the conditions of the time. We have seen what was the state of affairs in Kwanto, and that of Kyushu and Shikoku is clearly set forth in a memorial presented by Ono Yoshifuru on his return from the Sumitomo campaign.

The expanded system of conscription established under the Daiho code was then in force, and thus a large body of troops could easily be assembled. Umakai's army did not experience any serious resistance. But neither did it achieve anything signal. Marching by two routes, it converged on the castle of Taga, a fortress just constructed by Ono Azumahito, the lord warden of the Eastern Marches.

Yurza is now represented by the ruins of Yerza, south-eastward of Ta'anach, and there are letters from its governor in the Tel el-Amarna collection. Its name is followed by those of Makhsa, Yapu or Joppa, and "the country of Gantu" or Gath. Next we have Luthen or Ruthen, which is possibly Lydda, Ono, Apuqen, Suka or Socho, and Yahem.

"Did you say that you met Lord Arranmore in his exploring days?" she asked, turning to Mr. Lacroix. "I found Lord Arranmore in a log hut which he had built himself on the shores of Lake Ono," Lacroix said, smiling.

The place appointed for the meeting is the Plain of Ono the green, beautiful plain between the Judean hills and the Mediterranean called elsewhere the Plain of Sharon. There in later days stood Lydda, the place where St.

Ono Harunaga stood opposed to this idea, but Katagiri Katsumoto, constant to his policy of placating Ieyasu, threw his influence into the other scale. It is impossible to tell whether, in making this proposal, Ieyasu had already conceived the extraordinary scheme which he ultimately carried out.

"They came together abroad," he answered, "and Lord Arranmore was with my father when he died in Canada." She stopped short. Where? "In Canada, on the banks of Lake Ono, if you know where that is," he answered, looking at her in surprise. She resumed her usual pace, but he noticed that she was pale. "So Lord Arranmore was in Canada?" she said. "Do you know how long ago?"

It is worthy of notice that the proposer, Ono Seigorô, who on more than one occasion rendered himself conspicuous by introducing motions based upon an admiration of our Western civilization, was murdered not long after this debate took place. There are many stories on record of extraordinary heroism being displayed in the hara-kiri.

The Beaudeserts are a good old family ono, as old, for what I know, as the Castletons; but the British empire would suffer no loss if they sank into the tomb of the Capulets. But that the Castleton peerage should expire is a thought of crime and woe at which all the mothers of England rise in a phalanx!

Does he leave his work at once, and set off for the Plain of Ono? Look at his decided answer. 'I am doing a great work, so that I cannot come down: why should the work cease, whilst I leave it, and come down to you? God's work would be done better, and with more success, if all His workmen were like Nehemiah.