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"You stated in your former evidence, that you anticipated that passengers would be carried at one-half the rate by your steam-carriages that they are by the common carriages; what difference in the ordinary expences of carriage would it make, if you had a paved road for this purpose? "I think it would reduce the expense to one-half again."

"In this manner the farmer extends the time during which he can take from the soil crops whose value exceed their cost. He applies only one-fourth or possibly one-half as much of the most deficient element as the crops harvested require, and thus he continues for a longer time to 'work the land for all that's in it!

As for Marble, he lighted a segar, took his seat on the windlass, and sat in dignified anger, ready to explode on the slightest occasion, yet apprehensive he might be sent out of the ship, should he betray one-half of what he felt. Out of the ship neither of us was sent, however, the French probably feeling indisposed to be troubled with passengers in the narrow quarters they had for themselves.

The mass of these were in the Customs and Internal Revenue, and in the various Executive Departments at Washington. They had a larger average of salary than those engaged in the Postal Service. But one-half of the whole number had less than $1,000 per annum each, and less than one-third had salaries in excess of $2,000 per annum.

For this shelter more than one-half the free and proud citizens of prosperous America dwelling in cities occupy its like, or worse they paid three dollars a week a dollar and a half apiece. They washed their underclothing at night, slept while it was drying.

Three bishops and a proportionate number of clergy, costing no less than 101,000l. a- year for the sole use of between 50,000 and 60,000 Europeans, nearly one-half of whom, moreover taking the army are Roman Catholics. The East India Company are not, perhaps, herein so much to blame, seeing that they do but follow the example of what is going on in this country.

"It was no discharge of artillery, it was an explosion!" He quickly left the mill and stepped out of the front door. There stood the generals, and looked in evident anxiety toward Leipsic. Here and there bright flames were bursting from the roofs of the houses; one-half of the city was wrapped in clouds of smoke, so that it was impossible to distinguish any thing.

The preponderance of the agricultural over any other interest in the United States entitles it to all the consideration claimed for it by Washington. About one-half of the population of the United States is engaged in agriculture. The value of the agricultural products of the United States for the year 1878 is estimated at $3,000,000,000.

Another way of expressing it is to say that the angular divergence between the leaves is 180°, or one-half the circumference. The 1/3 arrangement, with the leaves in three vertical ranks, is not very common. In this arrangement, there are three ranks of leaves, and each leaf diverges from the next at an angle of 120°, or one-third of the circumference.

I believe that about one-half of the whole people was carried off by this visitation. The Orientals, however, have more quiet fortitude than Europeans under afflictions of this sort, and they never allow the plague to interfere with their religious usages. I rode one day round the great burial-ground.