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The officer looked around again. It would not do to make a mistake. Captain Corbet's words were not without effect. "Yea!" cried Captain Corbet. "Yea, naval sir! I'm a free Nova Scotian as free as a bird. I cruise about my natyve coasts whar I please. Who's to hender? Seize me if you dar, an it'll be the dearest job you ever tried. This here is my own private pleasure yacht.

"What's that?" cried the officer, furious. "I'll let you know. I arrest you, and this vessel is seized." "Wait a minute, young sir," cried Captain Corbet; "not QUITE so fast, EF you please. You'll get YOURSELF arrested. What do you mean by this here? Do you know who I am? I, sir, am a subject of Queen Victory. My home is here. I'm now on my own natyve shore.

"So it is with 'em, all, Sarpent," said the other, turning to his friend and laughing, as soon as the beauty had disappeared. "They like finery, but they like their natyve charms most of all. I'm glad the gal has consented to lay aside her furbelows, howsever, for it's ag'in reason for one of her class to wear em; and then she is handsome enough, as I call it, to go alone.

Still I do not mean to throw away altogether my natyve rights, and shall strive to do a pale-face's duty, in red-skin society." "Good; a Huron is a red-skin, as well as a Delaware. Hawkeye is more of a Huron than of a woman." "I suppose you know, Mingo, your own meaning; if you don't I make no question 'tis well known to Satan.

While he was still in that half-stunned, half-excited and wholly-confused state of feeling, Reuben went slowly on with his explanations: "'Pears like the judge have got another gov'ment 'pointment, or some sich thing, as will keep him here in his natyve land; so he and Miss Claudia, they be a-coming down here to stop till the meeting of Congress in Washington.

"Why, as to that matter, Hetty," returned the individual in question, "you've put it pretty much in the natyve character of the religious truth. Hurry has not been able, and that is the long and short of it.

I sometimes think I should like to live in your neighborhood, that I might look at your happiness; but, on the whole, it's better I should quit the 55th altogether, and go back to the 60th, which is my natyve rigiment, as it might be.

I dares to say, they are nat'ral and right, but to me there's no music so sweet as the sighing of the wind in the tree tops, and the rippling of a stream from a full, sparkling, natyve fountain of pure forest water unless, indeed," he continued, dropping his head for an instant in a thoughtful manner "unless indeed it be the open mouth of a sartain hound, when I'm on the track of a fat buck.

It air all very well for the king to send out his red-coats; but I tell you what it is, I ain't seen a red-coat that lives that's equal to the natyve pro-vincial. Who air the ones that doos the best fightin' out here? The pro-vincials! Who air the men that's druv the wild and bloodthusty Injin back to his natyve woods? The pro-vincial!