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Updated: August 4, 2024

I have sometimes studied those men who pay great attention to good eating, men whose first waking thought is What shall we have to eat to-day? men who describe their dinner with as much detail as Polybius describes a combat. I have found these so-called men were only children of forty, without strength or vigour fruges consumere nati. Gluttony is the vice of feeble minds.

Inde genus durum sumus, experiensque laborum, Et documenta damus qua simus origine nati. Or, as Raleigh rhymes it in his sonorous way, "From thence our kind hard-hearted is, enduring pain and care, Approving that our bodies of a stony nature are." So much for a blind obedience to a blundering oracle, throwing the stones over their heads behind them, and not seeing where they fell.

Founders' kinsmen have a preference in the election of Fellows in many colleges of our universities; the qualifications at All Souls are, that they should be optime nati, bene vestiti, mediocriter docti. By contending for liberty in the candidate for orders, you take away the liberty of the elector, which is the people; that is, the state.

Uxores, says he, habent deni duodenique inter se communes; et maxime fratres cum fratribus, parentesque cum liberis: sed si qui sint ex his nati, corum habentur liberi, quo primum virgo quaque deducta est." The same perspicuous writer adds, upon the subject of divorce, "The Scriptures seem to have drawn the obligation tighter than the law of nature left it.

"Præterea neque jam domus accipiet te læta, neque uxor Optima, nec dulces occurrent oscula nati Præripere et tacitâ pectus dulcedinet tangent." There is no event to which women are more indebted for the improved situation they hold among us than the propagation of Christianity.

And Helbeck, tying the pony to a tree, went up now with Laura to walk round the woods, showing in all his comments and calculations a great deal of shrewd woodcraft and beastcraft, enough to prove at any rate that the Esau of his race feras consumere nati, to borrow the emendation of Mr. Fielding had not yet been wholly cast out by the Jacob of a mystical piety.

Elderly unmarried men of fashion generally, and especially colonels, and majors, and members of parliament, and such like, were to him as black sheep or roaring lions. They were "fruges consumere nati;" men who stood on club doorsteps talking naughtily and doing nothing, wearing sleek clothing, for which they very often did not pay, and never going to church.

"At non domus accipiet te læta, neque uxor Optima, nec dulces occurrent oscula nati Præripère, et tacitâ pectus dulcedine tangent." Lucret.

Founders' kinsmen have a preference in the election of fellows in many colleges of our universities: the qualifications at All Souls are, that they should be optime nati, bene vestiti, mediocriter docti. By contending for liberty in the candidate for orders, you take away the liberty of the elector, which is the people, that is, the state.

Thus from Pennsylvania eastward the riddance of slavery was procured or put in train, generally by the device of emancipating the post nati; and in consequence the slave population in that quarter dwindled before the middle of the nineteenth century to a negligible residue.

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