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The Gunki carried her around on their shoulders; the Snimmy and his wife pelted her with moon-flowers; the Plynck and the Teacup kept up an agitated patter of feminine hand-clapping; and Schlorge came running down the path from the Dimplesmithy, cheering wildly.

Here in the full light of the sinking sun lay Gloria, her head pillowed against a rough stone, on the top of which a tall cluster of daisies, sometimes called moon-flowers, waved like white plumes. "Gloria!" called Von Glauben. She looked up, smiling. "Has Majesty gone?" she asked.

Many odors were with her: the smell of tar and twine and stores, the scent of drying fish. She saw the low cliffs all gemmed at this season with moon-flowers the great white convolvulus which twinkled there. A red and purple fuchsia in the garden, had blossomed also. She could see the bees climbing into its drooping bells.

There was atmosphere behind it, which in the dim room detached it from the canvas; and the curved red mouth smiled, the eyes flashed with the triumph of youth and much conquest, the skin was as white as the moon-flowers in the fields at night. Talbot recalled the night he had taken this woman in his arms not the woman on the veranda and involuntarily he raised them to the picture.

Mother Atterson was very fond of these flowers and had always managed to coax some of them to grow even in the boarding-house back yard. At the side porch she proposed to have morning-glories and moon-flowers, while the beds in front would be filled with those old-fashioned flowers which everybody loves.

Jason dropped on the little veranda under a canopy of moon-flowers, exultant but quite overcome. How glad and proud his mother would be and Mavis. While he sat there Arch Hawn rode by, his face lighted up with a humorous knowing smile. "How about it?" he shouted. "D'you have anything to do with this?" "Oh, just a leetle." "Well, you won't be sorry." "Course not. What'd I tell ye, son?

Flowers and climbing vines were everywhere, touched with the rich coloring of poinsettia and bougainvillea although this very approach of day began to close the fragrant moon-flowers and spelled death to the night-blooming cereus. The walls of her bungalow seemed to be tinted red, varying to purple, which gave a strange yet most pleasing effect in the setting of blossoms.

Delicacy of fancy, a freedom from any touch of impurity, a beauty as of "dew-sweet moon-flowers glimmering white through the mirk of a dust laden with sea-mist," are the qualities of Fiona Macleod's best verse. John Masefield.