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"Arena ye some wissin' ye hadna taen muckle mair yersel, Peter?" "'Deed am I! But gien he be giftit like that ye say, what for didna he try to haud 's richt?" "Maybe he thoucht ye wad mak yer mistaks better wantin' him." "Weel, ye dinna ca' that freenly!" "What for no? I hae h'ard him say fowk canna come richt 'cep' by haein' room to gang wrang. But jist ye gang till him noo.

"Domsie wesna far wrang, a' see, but it's no possible ye cud tell us the names o' Jacob's sons; it's maybe no fair tae ask sic a teuch question," knowing all the while that this was a test case of Domsie's. When Jessie reached Benjamin, Burnbrae could not contain himself. Yir no the lassie that said the questions frae beginning tae end wi' twa mistaks, are ye?"

But I'mb'un' to say, ootside the risk o' some mistak, o' the gr'un's o' which I can ken naething, for else I wadna hae made it,'at this bit horsie o' yours, by a' 'at my knowledge or skeel, which is naither o' them muckle, can tell me this bit horsie an' gien it binna as I say, I canNOT see what for it sudna be sae only, ye see, laird, whan we think we ken a'thing, there's a heap ahint oor A'THING; an' feow ken better, at least feow hae a richt to ken better, nor I du mysel', what a puir cratur is man, an hoo liable to mak mistaks, e'en whan he's duin' his best to be i' the richt; an for oucht 'at I ken, there may hae been grit discoveries made, ohn ever come to my hearin','at upsets a'thing I ever was gien to tak, an' haud by for true; an' yet I daurna withhaud the conclusion I'm driven til, for maybe whiles the hert o' man may gang the wrang. gait by bein' ower wise in its ain conceit o' expeckin' ower little, jist as weel's in expeckin' ower muckle, an' sae I'm b'un' to tell ye, laird,'at yer expectations frae this knot o'metal, for metal we maun alloo it to be, whatever else it be or bena yer expectations, I say, are a'thegither wrang, for it's no more siller nor my wife's kitchie-poker."