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Updated: August 22, 2024

Although every ovum that will be produced as long as a woman lives has already sprung into existence by the time she is born, not a single one ripens for from twelve to fifteen years. The ripening process begins about the time of puberty, and, unless suspended through the occurrence of pregnancy, continues until the menopause.

As the ovaries are strictly analogous to the testes, it was surmised that ovarian extract might prove a drug equally valuable with testicular products. As a matter of fact, ovarian extract, in the form of ovarin, etc., would seem to have proved beneficial in various disorders, more especially in anæmia and in troubles due to the artificial menopause.

The Prominent Symptoms of the Menopause. Christopher Martin holds that the symptoms of the change of life are produced largely by a condition of instability and increased excitability of certain other cerebrospinal centers directly brought about by failure of the menstrual center, and adds: "It is probable that the ovaries, like the liver and thyroid gland, modify the blood circulating through them, and add to the blood some peculiar product of their metabolism.

The frequency with which Bright's disease is found at the time of the menopause is dependent not so much on the local physiologic changes which are taking place as on the time of life. Loomis says that it was not until life-insurance examinations became so common that the frequency with which kidney disease existed in persons who believed themselves well was even imagined.

On the other hand, in an organism such as our own, crises like puberty or the menopause, in which the individual is completely transformed, are quite comparable to changes in the course of larval or embryonic life yet they are part and parcel of the process of our ageing.

MENOPAUSE: Ammonium bromide, two drams; Potassium bromide, four drams; aromatii spirits amoniae, six drams; camphor water enough to make six ounces. Dose: One dessertspoonful, three times a day. MENORRHAGIA: Gallic acid, fifty grains; Ergotin, twenty grains; Hydrastin, ten grains. Make twenty pills. Dose: One pill after meals.

What wonder, then, if the same powerful influence of the sexual organs, through the instrumentality of the sympathetic system, should at times produce a permanent derangement of the mental and moral faculties. Another very frequent symptom of the menopause is distress in the region of the heart, with palpitation and shortness of breath.

Average Duration of the Menstrual Function; Duration of Menopause; the Menopause; General Phenomena of the Menopause; Prominent Symptoms of Menopause; Pathologic Conditions of the Menopause; Hemorrhage at the Menopause a Significant Symptom of Cancer; Causes of Suffering at Menopause.

And that the kidneys, which all along have borne the brunt of life, should now show positive signs of disease is natural. The etiology and pathology of the menopause lie in the sympathetic nervous system. And it is by the breaking up of the harmony of previous processes that nervous disturbances are produced.

Puberty or the period of development extends over several years, so the menopause or period of atrophy extends over a period of from three to five years. If a woman relaxes and allows the changes to proceed naturally she need have no cause to worry, but she must remember that rest from continual strain is necessary during this period.

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