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The result is that they can not be utilized so easily and completely by the body, for the human organism demands its food in an organic state, that is, in the condition built up by vegetation or by animals. We may consume iron filings and remain anemic, in fact, the effect the iron medication has is to ruin the teeth, digestive organs and other parts of the body as a consequence.

Homeopathic medication, therefore, is not only curative in its effects, but also conservative and in the highest degree economic. Homeopathy, a Complement of Nature Cure

As part of this view, he felt that "simples" should be more carefully studied, because medicinal virtues inhered in single substances and that complicated combinations were unnecessary. We find innumerable examples scattered through Boyle's writings regarding the relations between chemistry and medication, numerous descriptions of cures, and skepticism regarding other alleged cures.

"Truth" and "Science" were characteristic words for him and he shared his speculations and conclusions freely with his disciples. Quimby is Led to Define Sickness as Wrong Belief In his early thirties he was supposed to be dying of consumption and suffered much from excessive medication.

A subacute or a chronic infective endocarditis should be treated on the same plan as an acute endocarditis, which means rest in bed and whatever medication seems advisable, depending on the supposed cause of the condition. A chronic endocarditis which is part of a general arteriosclerosis requires no special treatment except that directed toward preventing the advance of the general disease.

The dose should be large to cause immediate increased peripheral circulation, dilation, and even a little stupefaction of the central nervous system, and it may be effectual in a way not dissimilar to the action of morphiti. The consideration of this subject will include the following topics: A. Hygiene. B. Diet. C. Elimination. D. Physical measures. E. Medication. 1.

Except for the toad-powder and the peremptory drastics, one might have borne up against this herb doctoring as well as against some more modern styles of medication.

Women, too, soon learn to alleviate such a cruel sensation, but John had a strong natural repugnance for drugs and liniments, and it was only when he was weary of Jane's entreaties that he submitted to a merciful medication which ended in a restorative sleep. This incident did not discourage Jane in her new resolve.

Sometimes when the blood pressure cannot be reduced, in these cases without apparent organic lesions, and thyroid treatment is more or less successful, but at the same time causes great excitation, it may be combined with bromid medication, and then the benefit is sometimes very great.

I was educated medically in two of the colleges where medication is strongly advocated and well taught, and am a regular M. D. I have watched people who were treated by means of drugs and the biologic products, such as serums, vaccines and bacterines, which are now so popular, and I have watched many who have been treated by natural methods.